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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

WHAT! Al Sharpton Explains Why Hillary Clinton Lost To Trump – He Actually Makes SENSE!

I can’t stand Al Sharpton. He’s a corrupt race baiter, who lacks a soul and any ethics whatsoever. But even Sharpton understands why Hillary Clinton lost the election last November to Donald Trump… and he’s just bluntly stated it for BuzzFeed. What he says makes a lot of logical sense. Sharpton says that Clinton lost because she ignored her base of supporters. She wouldn’t even meet with black leaders. If she had worked with black communities and mobilized their leaders, she would have won states she lost by a narrow margin and would probably be President today. Shudder… cringe. Thank God for divine providence.

Donald Trump won because he went and talked and worked with blue collar workers. He appealed to the Forgotten Man… the working man. Hillary Clinton couldn’t be bothered and being an elitist snob cost her the election. She felt that simply being a Democrat and being Hillary Clinton would get her elected. It was owed to her. That’s not the way it works. Bill Clinton was adored by the left and that is why he was elected… twice. Obama was adored in a different way by the left and was elected twice. Hillary was hated by both sides and is still sniveling over predictably losing.



  1. She's so far removed from and in disdain of people that she'll never have the honor of leading them.

  2. Sharpton...making sense? He probably plagiarized something off the internet to make himself sound intelligent. Wonder who he employs to help him with the big words? Al still deserves some jail time for tax evasion.

  3. Scared he is going to jail and have to forfeit his assets for owed taxes that will put him homeless when he gets out of jail if he ever does.

  4. TRUMP why isnt he in prison for TAX EVAAION ???


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