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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Melania Trump: Breakout Star of Trump’s First Foreign Trip

First Lady Melania Trump has won rave reviews from the foreign press — and even the American press — as she accompanies President Donald Trump on his first foreign trip.

The visit, which has taken President Trump to Saudi Arabia and Israel thus far, and which will conclude with a stop at the Vatican on Tuesday, is the first foreign trip of the administration. It is also one of the first major public events for the First Lady, who has kept a low profile thus far.

Yet she made her mark immediately in Saudi Arabia, descending Air Force One in a flowing black pantsuit and golden belt that was hailed by the local press as “classy and conservative,” even though both she and Ivanka Trump declined to cover their faces in deference to local custom.

The Los Angeles Times noted Melania Trump’s “newsmaking style,” quoting a local television host who described her outfit as a “a really considerate gesture.”

Even the British press was impressed, gushing later in the day: “Melania Trump dazzles in purple Reem Acra gown for first evening in Saudi Arabia.”



  1. Yes she looked beautiful and classy during the whole trip so far. This in contrast to recent pictures of Michelle O released while on vacation overseas. It's obvious she went dumpster diving for her choice of the clothes. Ill fitting and ridiculous looking. Also being of the ghetto class thought it fitting to wear an off the shoulder sack in an Italian church. So wrong. I know Michelle would give her first born to be Melania as evident by her trying to copy Melania's good taste and sense of style-Melania's fond on off the shoulder-but you either have good taste and class or you don't and Michelle being nothing but pure ghetto trash hasn't either.

    1. Yeah, the Harvard-educated former BigLaw lawyer worth 100x what you have is "ghetto trash." Nice try.

      Meanwhile, Melania keeps swatting away Donald's fat Cheeto fingers and Joe's still too chicken-sh!t to post anything re: the fake news spreading the Seth Rich conspiracy. Go crawl back to your little holes.

    2. 10:00. YEEESSSSS. NAILED IT!!'

  2. MO has gotten grossly obese. To look at her now is even more nauseating then previously. It's ironic that this gross, blubber, lying ghetto garbage tried to make herself relevant by calling attention to obesity is disgustedly obese herself. Thank the Dear Lord that ugly angry thing and the pathological liar garbage she calls husband is out of the White House! Class is now restored.

  3. Yes GHETTO 10:00, honey. Oh how the truth burns you people up. LOL You can take them out of the ghetto but you can never ever take the ghetto out of them. You can be 'educated' but still be ghetto-you fool. Take a look at what MO is wearing and if you think that looks good then you need a good lesson in good taste and class yourself. Don't worry about what I have but let's just say Ghetto Girl Slob would give up a hamburger for some of the things I have. Their net worth is hardly 100x what I have. My properties alone and I don't own a cent are worth more then what they received in the book deal so speaking about what you don't know is not productive.
    FYI- I know the video you refer to and if you watch and are HONEST you can clearly see at just the moment they were to clasp hands a piece of her hair blew right in her face so she like anyone else would do instinctively reached up and put it back in place. Not that I would ever expect someone like you- someone who has been reduced to nothing more then a pathetic lying tool to ever admit the truth.
    Now scram. I don't usually do low class so you are lucky I even responded to you in the first place.

  4. " Anonymous said...

    Yeah, the Harvard-educated former BigLaw lawyer worth 100x what you have is "ghetto trash." Nice try."

    Wow 10:00 you really really need to get out in the real world! Being educated at Harvard or anywhere else or having money even large amounts does not guarantee good taste, class, refinement and decorum. Maybe if you actually think about what you wrote and you will see just how silly you sound. Though it's debatable that you can think at all after reading your comment.

  5. Good I am glad she finally gets some good press, seems like a classy lady to me.

  6. Yes it is what it is and the Obama's are ghetto garbage. They spent 8 years pulling a hustle on the American people. "If you like your insurance you can keep it." "A family's premiums will go down $2500." All lies. The Obama's are evil to the very core of their putrid bodies and anyone who tries and defend them is nothing but filth themselves. Decent civilized people do not ever defend liars. They call them out.

  7. She actually choked me up when she grabbed the First Lady of Israel's hand. I found it very touching.

  8. LOL the Obamas are pure unaltered ghetto. Even their spawn following in their ghetto footsteps. During one of the only official duties of a first family the accepting the WH Christmas tree the ghetto daughter in the middle of the afternoon was "upstairs sleeping" according to Ghetto Mom Michelle. Lazy is ghetto behavior. It's not like standing there for a photo op is hard but since nothing but ghetto is flowing through those veins she couldn't get her ghetto arse out of bed for 15 minutes.
    Also Ghetto Michelle had nothing to say when Ghetto Barrack was parading around on a flight with an erection! Again typical ghetto behavior so instead of leaving his perverted self being the low class ghetto scum that she is stays with the pervert but has a lot to say when all Donald Trump did was SAY how hoes allow celebrities to grab them where ever.
    The video of him parading around with the erection can be viewed online if no one believes he did this.

  9. She shows Class , Elegance & Style
    and Compassion!!!.
    Thank God she's put that back in
    the White House!!
    Lovely lady, " The Donald" is
    a lucky, lucky man !


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