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Sunday, May 28, 2017

The REAL Ariana Grande

Last night after the horrible tragedy occurred after her concert, Ariana tweeted to her followers:

But leave it to Twitter to remind us of past words with this:

Do you really think this is a good role model for girls 6 to 20 years old? Here under another post related to the Manchester Terrorist attack [in England], a commenter stated:

Rather ironic that it was her concert where a suicide bomber committed a terrorist attack last night.

Life is not without its sense of irony.

For those who don't remember this, Ariana was the artist who went into a bakery and was caught on video licking doughnuts and saying she hated Americans and America. Here's the Today show coverage of the incident. Thanks to the commenters who posted the link.


  1. Like ALL Democrats they prause ISLAM until they are hit by Radical Muslims then they become HYPOCRITES.

  2. I hope that this puts a serious dent in her future live performance attendance and album sales.

  3. I don't believe she is sorry. All democrats lie all the time. A democrat would sacrifice their own child for the sake of "tolerance."
    Those like Grande are just as responsible for this massacre as are the bomber and associates themselves. All democrats are in the same league as Hitler, the terrorists, etc. They sit back and encourage by not speaking out the slaughter of innocent. Democrats are the new modern day Nazi party. Democrats are sick evil who do nothing but foul this earth with their putridness.

  4. She's a disgusting person.. and also a complete idiot. Being stupid and ignorant is part of the liberal way. They have no solutions whatsoever--just vitriol and hate towards anyone who disagrees with them.

  5. Perhaps liberals across this country are re-thinking their stance on some issues this morning?? Too bad innocent children were the sacrificial lambs to bring the issue to front and center once again. Wake up America- Trump really does care about you and wants these horrible terrorist taken care of once and for all. Try backing him on this one???

  6. How any parents can let their child follow this kind of person or give her their hard-earned money is just astounding. Disney should drop this artist immediately based on principles alone. Screw profits, this young woman is hardly a good role model for our kids.

  7. Gotten to the point where I can barely tolerate liberals anymore. Before this last election, many friends are liberal, but now, I find myself distancing myself from them and avoiding any interaction with them. Even the people I used to consider as friends. Their ideology is just so foreign to me. It lacks any love for this country or our security. I just don't even want to be around them at all.

  8. I feel sorry for her fans - misguided children following someone with a demented ideology!

    I don't feel sorry for her at all - she got exactly what she supported! She should have to pay the expenses for all that were injured as the result of her support for terrorists and disdain for America!

  9. Liberal morons don't understand ISIS picks these specific events and places for a reason. There's symbology in the place and the date. It was the four year anniversary of the ISIS slaying of an officer in London outskirts. These are never random, always planned and are executed according to a plan which makes it easy to detect what they are: terror attacks.

    Only governments and media have to wait for their videos to surface claiming responsibility. Anyone watching the coverage could tell you it was a terror attack about an hour into the broadcast.

  10. Noticed this woman escaped unscathed. She's more concerned that she got out alive. She couldn't give a hoot about her fans. All they are is a meal ticket for her, nothing more.

  11. The media is referring to Grande as "the American singer." The truth is she is the ANTI American singer. She is a disgusting sick loser for saying she is sorry now. The foul skank is getting a dose of exactly what she supported. The only sorrowful part is that she isn't crapping out a bit of shrapnel today. Maybe that would wake her up to what is going on in the real world.

  12. Can we deport her? Shame we probably can't.

  13. 8:35 and good for you. Liberals and democrats serve no useful purpose to society. Nothing ever good would come from socializing with them or even knowing them. This because they have never themselves evolved into civilized human beings. Life means nothing to them. This is a major sign of just how disgusting and low and uncivilized they are. They prove this with their support of ripping a fetus out of it's mother's body regardless of whether it could survive on it's own or not.

  14. all pop culture is filth. ALL OF IT. If your kids arent listening to classical music, they are drinking in filth.

  15. No they aren't rethinking anything 8:31. The Agenda means more to them then anything. They could care less about their own children much less anyone else's. They are evil at it's finest. Put on this earth to do the devil's work just like Hitler himself. Sit back and do nothing just like the Nazi party. Democrats are the new Nazi party. We see it time and time again.

  16. The democrats have succeeded teaching our children the anti-America propaganda. Very simply -to hate America. America is no good. Until we teach our history in school again and face our history of race relation we will have generations that have no love of country. And that's how democrats will rise again. Through hate and intolerance. It's sad but true.

  17. Katy Perry is another one of those pop artists who is a far left idiot. She actually wore an SS uniform when performing for a Hillary Clinton rally back during the general election. Spirit cooking people who damn America and parents buy their crap for their kids. Make any sense?

  18. Grande said this publicly not too long ago. Wasn't she the one who licked the doughnuts in that bakery and had to apologize? Believe that's when she was going on about how she hated Americans. Anyone else remember that incident?

  19. Yes 903 she is the girl that licked the donuts at a bakery. She apologized for it but how many people ate those donuts not knowing she put her filthy mouth on them?

    Here's a link to that story: http://www.today.com/popculture/ariana-grande-apologizes-doughnut-lick-i-hate-america-t31006

  20. Shw needs to be hung.

  21. Suspending her tour? Dipping into her pocket? Why? Just an obligatory gesture to make her look like she gives a shit? Whatever.

  22. I won't associate with democrats anymore either. The truth is they are all beneath me in both their ignorance and incivility. Think the local waste of oxygen Molly Lies-A-Lot. All riled up over the Muslim ban. Either too ignorant or spawned by useless filth who didn't teach her the value of being honest. The truth is the ban was in order to get a plan together for extreme vetting. Garbage like Molly won't say vetting some is nearly impossible because of either no functioning government or a government who supports terror so will fake records. This is why Molly has never and will never amount to anything ever. She is as ugly on the inside as on the outside.

  23. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 23, 2017 at 9:29 AM

    This is what happens to Disney's little stars when they get to Hollywood and get brainwashed like Ariana Grande, hating on Americans, hating America, hating President Trump and list goes on. But she likes those $$$, licking donuts and shopping. And then tragedy like this happens, and she can't wait to get back on the plane and fly back to L.A., right? I say No! Unless she publicly apologizes for her comments, or she can fly to Middle East and sing for those peace loving Muslims there.

  24. She needs to be thrown off a IRANIAN Building and see how she likes ISLAM.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Never heard of him.

  27. What a despicable POS. She has such a filthy mouth, why any parent of a child under the age of 18 would allow their child to be near this trash is just beyond belief.

  28. How many of you would have let your 6-16 year old daughters attend an Ariana Grande concert? After the fact it is easy to condemn for one with no involvement to condemn. Before the terror attack, did you even know who she was? Terrorist will attack any event that draws a crowd if the chance arises. It could just as easily been a concert of another "star".

    My young daughters would not be allowed to attend anyone's concert on a school night. My teen daughter would not be allowed to attend an Ariana Grande concert any night because I google before permission is granted. IMO you all are throwing blame on Grande, and I don't understand why. No one made even one person go to that Concert. It was a choice. If the Ariana Grande Concert NOT been booked, the terrorist would have found another Concert to murder the crowd. Get real people. How many parents are blaming Grande, instead of themselves that their child was killed or maned last night - I expect few or even none. Expect there is a lot of "if onlys" instead.

  29. 1029 I can safely say after the donut licking incident my child would not be attending a concert. There is this little word I use with my kids that many don't in today's world. "NO" My parents said it to me enough and I say it to mine.

  30. I remember when I was 13 years old I really wanted to see Saturday Night Fever. My parents went to see it first before giving me a final verdict. My dad walked through the front door after seeing the movie and the first word out of his mouth was "No." I didn't see it until I was old enough to live on my own. Once I did, I realized why he said no. 1029 parents today never tell their kids no and then sit wondering why they're still living in the basement, can't hold down a real job and are out on streets protesting for Soros... go figure.

  31. My aunt took us to see The Osmonds and David Cassidy at the Baltimore civic center in the 70's. I can't remember exactly how old I was but I think around 12. How the country has changed for the worst. The arts have now been reduced to nothing but propaganda machines.

  32. She is not the problem.
    Think about it.

    WHO promoted her?
    WHO made her a star?
    WHO gave her the words for her lyrics?
    WHO is behind the record label, the production, the CHARACTER of which she mimics?

    She is a tool.

    Learn the truth about the Illuminati.

    1. Liberal anti american snowflakes.

    2. Ariana promotes ISLAM then Radicals take out her catholic jewish fans ?

  33. How can you people lump all democrats as being one particular way? Political party affiliation has very little to do with people's morals. It's mostly parental upbringing.

  34. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 23, 2017 at 12:55 PM

    1247 20 years ago, your statement is correct but now days, not at all. Liberals have raised a generation of the most lawless, foul-mouthed lawbreakers with overinflated sense of entitlement lazy-a** morons I've ever seen. The loud wheel gets the grease and this is no exception. There may be good wholesome kids in that generation but their good deeds are far outshined by the loud ones who feels the world owes them something. Liberals are SOLELY to blame for this because conservatives just don't roll that way. Not even close.

  35. Many of you are missing the bigger picture. We really NEED our democrats. Who else will entertain US day in and day out? I must laugh everyday and it seems democrats easily do that for me.

    Be wise with your vitriol slinging especially if its against those who ENTERTAIN us daily!! Without Dems, things sure would be boring around here. AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

  36. 1257 you may need hate mongers for entertainment but I certainly do not. It's really all a joke with people like you until it's YOUR kid lying dead on the pavement after being blown up by some left wingnut loser. Right?

  37. 8:35, I had to cut a few former friends loose in '08. They still continue to have a thought process that is the same after those horrible eight years and I still stay clear. I am civil when bumping into them and respect their right to vote for whatever they want, but I don't need to be around it.

    I have never heard of this "actor" until now and hope she falls faster then The Dixie Chickens"

  38. 102 I've actually unfollowed a lot of people on FB. A lot of them I used to admire and respect but after all the verbal temper tantrums and idiotic Trump-hate garbage, I cut them loose. Didn't unfriend but I don't see a thing they post anymore. I avoid them in public if I can help it, too. Democrats just don't have any sense anymore. They're radicalized brats. All of them, regardless of age. I just don't want to be around them or have much to do with them, so avoiding and being quickly social if i do get snagged is all I do anymore. I'm talking about people I used to spend time with and enjoyed their company before this last election.

  39. 12:24 because it is what it is. There isn't a democrat alive who has one moral bone in their bodies no matter how much they will lie and claim otherwise. Anyone and I repeat anyone who aligns themselves with a party who sat back and said nothing when the Planned Parenthood tapes were releases is a void of all morals is a POS and a complete waste of oxygen and that is not debatable. The ones who lie and say they are Christian are even worse. Remember we have to keep "it" alive until we can get "it's" organs? This is how sick and disgusting democrats are. Any person with morals would be demanding the defunding of PP and what democrat is? Proves none have morals and are horrid despicable irredeemable filth.

  40. Unfriend them 1:09. They are not good people. They are evil to the core.

  41. All too often Democrat parents are out to save their world while their kids die on the vine. Isn't that usually the way it goes? Seems to be from everything I've seen.

  42. 1:10 Bill Gates is a democrat. Maybe you should stop using any products or services that from or rely on MS. He has donate his fortune to charity. What have you done other than promote hatred? I'm a republican before you even start calling names because you have nothing intelligent to say.

  43. 212 it's easy to be a liberal when you have money because if they tax you at a high rate, you barely feel a pinch. You hire 10 people instead of 20. It's the Middle Class who suffers from Liberal philanthropy not the Upper Class. For a Republican you're not using your brain with good old fashion common sense. Snap out of it, if you are a real Republican. Anyone can come on a blog and say they're one thing and be the other. I could tell everyone on here I'm a man, when in fact I'm a woman. The beauty of anonymity. Right?

  44. 212 did it ever occur to you Bill Gates donates a lot to charity because the tax breaks off-set his massive profit lines both personally and professional? Plus it curries favor for him with the Liberals that run Washington state, Seattle and DC. Please remove that rather large head out of your rump. Put your thinking cap on, doll.

  45. Gee Gates is such a swell guy. He allows the government to hack into your windows computer at will. http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2017/05/cia-windows-xp-to-windows-10-malware.html 212 such a weak argument. RINOs are so unimaginative. tisk tisk.

  46. Hollywood and Disney are much much worse than most people realize.
    This young girl is probably a mind control victim.

    iSIS is a creation of Mossad and CIA and is just another bogey man like Tim Osmond and Al CIA Duh . . .

  47. 541pm does that tinfoil come in other colors besides silver? 🍭🦄🦄🦄🦄🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

  48. I makes me sad to see so many people here consumed by hatred and ugliness. What a terrible way to live your life.

  49. Wow! Y'all judge much? I can't believe the viciousness of people's words nowadays. Political parties should be abolished. That might help people get along a little better. They should only be used when voting.

  50. Don't lie and say hate and ugliness when it's the truth. That's the problem with badly raised people like 5:56 and 5:56. When they don't like what they hear and can not come back with an argument why people are wrong they come back with their hate BS. Where do they come from. What kind of filth spawned them Garbage is what it is nothing but rotting garbage. Again not hate but the absolute truth and being honest something some like the 2 above were never taught.

  51. This American hating anti President Trump, pro refugee pop star fled for the US first chance she got and arrived complete with paparazzi to shoot just how "broken" she is over all of this. Tons of pics out there of her getting off the jet and making a big deal out of hugging her boyfriend. She so vulgar and nasty. She is not one bit "broken" or even sorry. She is using this tragedy as a photo op. Hardly the actions of someone traumatized. She is as foul and gross as the rest of the democrats.

  52. 6:27. Really? I hope you feel better now.

  53. keep her out of USA!


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