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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

REPORT: Leakers Found Inside White House

Trey Yingst, chief White House correspondent for the One America News Network, is reporting Monday that three sources of the leaks liberally flowing from President Donald Trump’s White House have been found.

According to Yingst, three staffers have been identified and referred to the Office of Government Ethics for their role in leaking information from within the White House. Leaks to the mainstream press have constantly plagued the Trump administration in its early days, with opportunely time leaks undermining key administration efforts.

Yingst claims his source informed him President Trump will fire “multiple people” on his return to Washington..



  1. Hang them by their necks on the tree in the rose garden.
    That's treason!

  2. "Drive them out"...no good losers.

  3. LOL, Trump is pathetic. He should fire himself, he's the leaker in chief.

    1. 11:06. YEESSSS!!!!!!!

    2. I disagree and so do the people that's why he is PRESIDENT. HAHA

  4. We all know one of them! He has made a career out of squealing, John McCain!

  5. 11:06, too much Kool-ade for you! You should try a few days off it!

  6. so are you 11:06 for not supporting your elected President, HE IS YOUR PRESIDENT, whether you like it or not!

  7. 11:06 - LOL at you for simply being you!!

  8. If no example is set, the leaks will become more prevalent.

  9. Fire all them as soon as Pres. Trump returns. That will give MSM starting with CNN demanding more investigations making them look bad as this Russian investigation is. Go right on up and have a face off with the Politians leaking.

  10. 11:06 it is not becoming of you to show such jealousy in public. I bet you are a closet Trump supporter and voted for the POTUS. Anyway you must be thanking your lucky star that you have a president to be proud of finally. President Donald J. Trump..... 2020!

  11. Can't wait to see who these leakers are; I'm guessing Obama hold overs. Now, they need to be prosecuted. If we don't there is no teeth to our justice system. Hillary has skated as have the likes of Susan Rice and others who have obstructed with lies. PROSECUTE!


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