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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Police: Georgetown resident filmed punching disabled man in face

WEST CHESTER, Pa. (WPVI) --A man has been arrested for the assault of a disabled man in Chester County that was caught on video.

Surveillance video was released on Monday that shows a man, identified by investigators as 29-year-old Barry Baker of Georgetown, Delaware, punching the victim in the face.

It happened outside the 7-Eleven at 200 South High Street in West Chester around 2:30 a.m. back on May 10.

As the video begins, the victim is seen pulling up in a white SUV just as the suspect walks out of the store.



  1. Unbelievably sad.

  2. People are so disgraceful!

  3. This scum bag deserves a punishment befitting the crime; let the victim deliver a drop kick to the scrotum for starters and let the perp sing soprano for a while.

  4. He should serve real time as it is after all a hate crime.

  5. Should be locked up and assaulted by his peers.Evidently hes such a big man he can only pick on disabled people...disgusting individual!

  6. And let's not forget to mention Mr or Miss Liberal Snowflake that walked by SO full of white guilt, that he or she didn't even try to help

  7. The police praised the victim for keeping his cool. I would give him a nice piece of change to have seen the victim turn on the punk and beat the living dog crap out of him.

    Shoot um' Lizzzz

    Hope the victim is okay....

  8. I hope he sits in a jail cell for a long time for this. What is up with the store clerk that goes out after seeing what happened but never really gives aid to the person that was hit in front of her store!

  9. Smile everyone, Big Brother is watching! I have nothing to hide, so I more than welcome it, but what a small town, simple minded, ticking time bomb, POS, luckily filmed!

    I see no provocation by the victim. Also, nothing ever good comes from being out after midnight! Words I try to live by, but it is a different age than it was when I was 18, 22 years ago, when my father bestowed that wisdom before me. Wow, that's a long time ago! But it still works for me, so it would seem.

    I also haven't driven in the dark in months, which is another sign of age for some. Not insinuating anything to excuse this scenario, just the ramblings of one who continues to grow older and feels it relates. My toe? Yeah, I had the ingrown nail cut back in my late teens, it no longer gets infected, but still rubs a little. Also, my kids never call...

    Still, I wouldn't go to a 7/11 after sundown, no matter what my schedule was. Also, never tried the Nacho Cheese sauce, and now more than ever, never will! Thank you for listening and say hello to your mom for me.


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