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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Professor Cohen Says Assault on Trump Presidency is Our Greatest National Security Threat: Is There A 4th Branch of Government?

Steven Cohen, Professor of Russian studies at Princeton and NYU (an obvious Russian spy) was besides himself tonight, in sheer disbelief over the with hunt of gigantic nothing-burgers that are being used to assault the Presidency of Donald Trump.

He declared, "today, I would say (the greatest threat to national security) is this assault on President Trump. Let's be clear what he's being accused of is treason. This has never happened in America, that we had a Russian agent in the White House. Cohen believes Flynn did nothing wrong by talking to the Russian ambassador, describing it as 'his job' to do so.

He then illuminated the indelible fact that there is a 4th branch of government, the intelligence community, who have been meddling in American foreign affairs, obstructing the other 3 branches of government.

"In 2016, President Obama worked out a deal with Russian President Putin for military cooperation in Syria. He said he was gonna share intelligence with Russia, just like Trump and the Russians were supposed to do the other day. Our department of defense said it wouldn't share intelligence. And a few days later, they killed Syrian soldiers, violating the agreement, and that was the end of that. So, we can ask, who is making our foreign policy in Washington today?"

Professor Cohen added, "you and I have to ask a subversive question, are there really three branches of government, or is there a 4th branch of government? These intel services. What we know, as a fact, is that Obama tried, not very hard but he tried for a military alliance with Putin, in Syria, against terrorism and it was sabotaged by the department of defense and its allies in the intelligence services."



  1. Never thought I'd see the day Conservatives would be defending Russia.

    1. It aint the 1940s get over it.

  2. 419 you haven't seen it now. If you were astute enough in politics you'd realize this is ALL politics nothing to do with Russians at all. Get your head out of your ass. You might need to breathe every once in a while.

  3. Clintons and their group has committed treason. Look at her deals with Russia and their affiliates when she was Secretary and her Foundation. So blatant that they are doing their diversion of blaming others.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 18, 2017 at 6:13 PM

    The only Connection to Russia is by Hillary Clinton selling American Uranium to the Ruskis and getting paid like royalty, while working as Secretary of State. But I guess that was Ok if you ask any Democ-rats. That's a Treason! Investigate & Lock Her Up!

  5. The only one caught colluding with the Russians was Obama and he was caught on video.

  6. Liberals hate Russia because they have a lot of conservative values.

    1. Liberals don't know where Russia is. Trump won! Trump will win again! Then his daughter will win! Ridiculous Russian propaganda will be a huge blow to the democrats. Sad.

  7. the 4th branch is just the Demon-crat Branch !!

  8. For those who have actually studied Nazi Germany history, you would know that education was one of the first frontiers the Third Reich conquered in order to indoctrinate the masses and forward hate against the Jews. This was done from childhood thru to the university level. All teachers and professors were required to denounce their Jewish friends and were removed from positions if they had any Jewish ancestry. They were forced to get on board with the 'new education system' the Reich instated which was mandated in all schools at all levels. Even though some Jewish children did attend school with the Arians, they were harassed and chastised by the teachers and, of course, the students followed suit. It got to a point by 1940 where the Jewish children were forbidden to attend school with the general German population.

    In China, the same thing happened when the Communist regime took over the country. All references to outside ideologies were promptly quashed in the school education systems and only communist ideologies were allowed to be taught in all their classes.

    Does this sound familiar to any of you?


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