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Thursday, May 18, 2017

People are marrying themselves, it's called 'sologamy'

BROOKLYN (CBS) - If the secret to a happy marriage is finding the right person, we can all stop looking. At least, according to "sologamists." They're part of a growing relationship trend, in which people are tying the knot to themselves.

Erika Anderson is one of them.

“I would describe it as women saying yes to themselves,” Anderson said. “It means that we are enough, even if we are not partnered with someone else."

In many ways, the 37-year-old bride looked like any other on her wedding day. She wore a white dress and had a bouquet. Anderson looked stunning with the Brooklyn bridge and New York City skyline behind her.

Except when she walked down the aisle, no one was waiting for her. That’s just the way she wanted it.



  1. It just goes to show you, that chick can only be understood by herself!! Oh how deranged we have become.

  2. This is just a stupid story. Why in the hell would anyone be interested in this nonsense?

  3. Man I just laughed SO hard at this I cried!

    Thanks Joe, I needed that

  4. For men, for a good while now, their has been the MGTOW movement meaning, "Men Are Going Their Own Way." For a multitude of reasons, men are not wrapped up in needing a relationship with someone, if it happens, cool. If not, cool too. It's his life, his money, his time. If a woman isn't worth the trouble, done. Divorce and the courts inclination for all things female have made a lot of men marriage shy and it is only going to get worse especially with the brainwashing feminist movement going on everywhere. Animal Farm equality, where she is more equal than you.

  5. Better yet I can't wait to see the attorneys face when this person files for a divorce.

  6. 4:09

    There would need to be irreconcilable differences and then there's the matter of support payments.

  7. I really love my parakeet can I marry my parakeet?

  8. When anything goes,everything goes.

  9. My children, Fear Not! It has been said that for Every Liberal there is a Freed Mind ready to exact the truth from the Alien Demon!

  10. And when you gotta go you gotta go.


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