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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Poll Says Blacks Less Likely to Have Enough for Retirement

Older white Americans are nearly twice as likely as African-Americans to say they've saved enough for retirement, a new poll found.

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey also found that African- Americans and Latinos have less financial security than whites and will rely on fewer sources of income during retirement.

The retirement savings gap between white and other minority groups extends beyond pensions, 401(k)s or other retirement accounts.

The survey shows older white Americans are also more likely to collect Social Security benefits, inherit money from their families or receive income from the sale of a home or other physical assets.



  1. Why save when you have democrats?

  2. Of course they don't. Free Obama phones free food free houses

  3. I guess saving and self-reliance is racist too.

  4. welfare doesn't include a tax payer retirement account?

  5. Of course whites are going to have more; they worked, saved, have pensions, planned for the future. The others have earned nothing; grasshopper/ant fable.

  6. A worldwide poll would probably show much the same thing, indicating that it isn't peculiar to the U.S.

  7. Just another Liberal study playing the race card
    So tiring

  8. Be careful!!! I smell the push for confiscation of retirement savings. Falls under the BS umbrella of Social Justice.

  9. Setting us up for a handout. it is because of slavery

  10. What pleasant people we have on the shore, nothing like some racist comments to get your morning started.

    1. Was it racist to do the poll in the first place?

      I agree with 7:55. Guarantee this is setting the stage for some "retirement re-distribution" legislation

      And it goes without saying that you're some liberal nut job

    2. 758 = lazy mommy snowflake on da welfare for life.

  11. You're either an American or you're not. This black American, asian American, hispanic American stuff is self-serving, government/liberal nonsense.

  12. 7:58 Please note that the comments on this blog have been made from WORLDWIDE sources, not just the Eastern Shore of Maryland...

  13. Just another racist rabble rouser twisting the facts to fit himself..

  14. "Blacks are less likely to have enough for retirement", but more likely to quit working at 62 and take the "free money" from social security, resulting in a reduced income for the whole of their retirement until their death. Retirement security comes from working as long as you can to collect the most benefits for the rest of your life. Work until full retirement age, and add 32% + to their retirement income....Not them!

  15. let's see, I started working when I was 14. I drive an old beater and my clothes and shoes don't have designer names on them. no Mercedes, Lexus or Cadillac in the driveway. I don't have $400 shoes or flashy threads with a certain logo attached. I worked hard and went without, and I retired and realized it wasn't enough. so back to work and I'll try again in another 10 - 15 years, if I live to see it. meanwhile there's plenty of 25 year olds on the corner, who've never had a real job and the state gives them more than I get from what I worked for and saved. but then. I'm just an American, no prefix that allows me an entitlement or an excuse.

  16. Interesting that they single out black population. That right there leaves a suspecion of motive. In reality with COLA going up quicker everyday, no one but the very rich have enough for retirement these days. Money made in the 60s is hardly enough to cover the kinds of prices people pay for miniscual things these days. That's s given now.

  17. Hard to save when your running away from your responsibilities. (Deadbeat Dads, Fleeing from Cops, Selling Dope, committing Crimes)

  18. 7:58 don't even start with the racist nonsense. Here's the truth for you something that you people can't stand to hear since lying is second nature to you. So listen up and listen up good and stop with the racist excuse. There is NOTHING racist about over 70% of black children born illegitimately. NOTHING RACIST AT ALL. This is the beginning of the cycle of poverty. The number 1 cause of poverty. Once a child is born in those unfortunate circumstances it is hard to dig their way out. The reason and the ONLY reason why blacks find themselves in this situation is due exclusively to their own bad life choices.

  19. 1026 You're the one who is bringing in the racist element here. The fact is most elderly people are being forced back into the workforce because their retirements aren't cutting it anymore. Electricity alone has skyrocketed for many in the area and they have trouble making ends meet.

    Because of their payments they don't qualify for special give-back programs like Shore Up and other local charities. That's the sad bit. I know many elderly people who are still working well into their 70s because they can't depend on their retirements to cover escalating prices. Prices that are being manipulated by high-end investors like the Democrats' buddy George Soros.

    Furthermore, look at the gas prices. Oil has been consistently trading very low and yet, we're still paying over $2.00 a gallon. 10 years ago, that was not the case, but regulations and greed have driven these costs through the roof.

    So please, do your homework before making your insanely misinformed comments. This situation is affecting everyone of retirement age, not just the black population.

  20. They got the Race Card...just charge it !!! need no cash

  21. 10:50 It would help you to actually read the article before commenting. The article is ALL about whites are twice as likely then blacks to say they have saved enough for retirement. That is the topic so it IS all about race and it was brought up in the article ITSELF.

  22. Just goes to show that its hard to save for retirement, when you don't work, to start with. Welfare and public assistance pays for now, not the future. You have to EARN something, in order to save it for later. That "free money" many clamor for, gets old after a while. That is their retirement. And it never gets any better. Funny that working is never an option for many of these folks, yet someone is worried about their financial security in "retirement." Retirement from what, pray tell?

  23. I really don't know where some people get their information from. There is no thing as free money from the state or federal government.The state cracked down on the females getting payment for multiple children and not attempting employment. As far as disability the only money you can possibly receive if you are eceb approved is money you have paid into the system from previous tears of federal social security tax.

  24. This isn't a situation unique to the United States, believe me.

  25. Best way to correct this "White Privilege" of thinking ahead and planning for your future, is to drop all white people who own a home off Social Security. Make them do a reverse mortgage for their money to live on. Then take their Social Security and give it to the poor black people that don't have a savings account or pension. It is the right thing to do, and only fair way to make this right. Black Lives Matter! After all, we owe them this, we make their lives miserable, with our past enslavement of their Great, Great, Great, Great Grandparents.

  26. The media and their polls like to break it down to black vs white but it's not that simple and it's a slap in the face to all the black people who work hard and provide for their retirement. It's like the media is creating the narrative that black people are somehow more ignorant than white people which is racist and false. I suspect their real goal is create a sense of unfairness and then justify the stealing of peoples retirement to spread around. The trouble is that when the politicians get their hands on it the people will not see any measurable increase and not to mention how racist and unfair the whole premise would be but it is being discussed in government right now.

  27. They got the Obama Plan to take care of them while the Whites have to pay for it !!!!!!!

    Whites are the ones who had better worry ..........Fact

  28. Working Whites have NO Retirement until they Die < that is
    when they get to retire........Fact

  29. They getting all the college and big jobs while whites
    can't afford to go .....so they will be fine

  30. @8:06 there has to be some relevance to the report. Whats the social makeup mentality for so many black athletes who have been fortunate to become professional athletes only to end up bankrupt. Allen Iverson is a prime example career earnings over 100 million only to end up busted. He must have exhibited some sort of negative financial characteristics for Reebok to hold 30 million of his endorsement money in a trust until he is 55

  31. 10:26 is absolutely correct! This "out of wedlock" issue is not racist. It is fact that can be directly traced back to LBJ and his effort to make Black Americans dependent on gov't handouts addiction.

    7:55 is spot on with his/her comment about Social Justice.

  32. lmao, what next a 401K for welfare freeloaders?
    Give me a break.

  33. @ 4:20 The point and relevance to the report is to make black people feel they are not getting their fair share and unable to compete for jobs and not smart enough to provide for themselves. It's to create faux outrage so that politicians can come in rob you of your hard earned retirement and give some away but keeping the lion's share for themselves. It's a scam.

  34. One has to work to be eligible for social security. Think that has anything to do with it?

  35. There in a minimum of Social security for people that never contributed or contributed very little.

  36. @8:30 there's nothing left for them to take. Our government and it's representatives are the biggest crooks and biggest ponzi scheme going. How in the world can a person literally be forced to give up half of what they make right off the top? Between the racial tensions, the ongou g government waste and bailouts, this country has to go belly up at some point am

  37. READ the survey... Latino women was an illegal came here in the 70s never learned English paid cash her whole life. She currently lives on FOOD STAMPS, FREE Heath care and FREE government housing. That is what retirement is! However the poll did NOT include these factors. Also the margin was about 14 to 18 percent difference with a 3 percent error factor... I think if you factor in government programs the poll will tip the other way...

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    There in a minimum of Social security for people that never contributed or contributed very little.

    May 21, 2017 at 11:50 AM:

    Au Contraire, my mis-informed friend. One has to WORK for a minimum of 11 years, and have reportable income (earnings), no matter how little, to be eligible for even a minimum social security benefit; a benefit that is currently only $40.00. No work, or reportable earnings, means NO benefit.


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