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Sunday, May 21, 2017

If You'd Like To See Why The Wicomico County Finance Director Was Let Go...


  1. Looks like she fumbles without a lot of answers. How long has this woman been in this job? A year or something?

  2. I don't think that this showing was the total rationale for firing.

  3. As Paul Harvey would want to know, what's the "rest of the story?"

  4. I've been in business a long time. When your Finance Director presents the budget and is not equipped to explain the items in that budget...that is incompetence. Plain and simple. No idea if that's why she was fired, but it is more than ample cause.

  5. The good ole boys handing out jobs to clueless friends.

  6. She and Wayne are clearly wasting the Council's time, as they have absolutely no answers or knowledge of what's going on with the finances.

    Fire the both of them!

    1. DRAIN THE OBAMA SWAMP.May 20, 2017 at 11:12 AM

      And screwing bob over x 2 yrs.

    2. 100% correct

    3. Yes 9:57 ... councils clumsy trap certainly back fired. Cannon has no idea who is responsible for the budget. Read the charter John!!!

    4. Council has no idea about finances ... none at all

  7. ps what took so long Bob ?

  8. About a year and a half. Before that, 3 years as Northampton School District finance head.

  9. Omg sooooo embarrassing for the county!

  10. I watch this whole video! I'm disturbed! I work for this county and this worries me!

  11. What type of degrees do these people have and where did they get them from? I have a feeling Salisbury needs a total restructure. I don't understand why they can't answer these simple questions.

  12. Hey I have five different accounts but they are all the same one! I like to call them different names so I can confuse myself and others! You got your degree from.... Can I have your job? I got arrested in Salisbury for something I didn't do I am beginning to understand why!!!

  13. After watching her and listening to her I am pretty sure she is related to Sheriff Lewis

  14. I have been following Council Meetings for over a decade. The incompetence by the Finance Director being schooled by the HR Director is flat out embarrassing.

    After so many years on the job the Finance Director acted clueless and in my honest opinion seemed to purposely attempting to defy answering direct questions.

    $11,000.00 pay raises for her employees seemed to spank her big time and I'm glad they caught that.

    All that being said, QUIT BEATING AROUND THE BUSH. The ONLY person being direct and straight forward was the HR Director.

  15. It's apparent this Leslie person hasn't got a clue when it comes to finance or accounting. By the way Wayne's assessment of pay being sub par is ridiculous. All the county jobs pay crappy wages. Some don't even allow a person to support themselves. They pay secretaries $32K a year? What are they banking on? A married female or someone with 10 roommates to take the job? Don't forget people like John Cannon ask for $1300 a month in rent for a SMALL house. How can anyone afford to rent and work for such pittance. County employees have to get welfare, too? Like Walmart? And Cannon knowing his rents, sat there and took in that info with a straight face. How dare him! Seriously how F-ing dare him. Everyone in that room should be kicked out as far as I'm concerned.

    1. Backstory. John Cannon has been running the landlord numbers for a long time. He's a slumlord who rents mostly outside city limits so he avoids regs. He's also gotten and performed a many sweetheart deals with county and city. Conflict of Interest ring any bells? That's why he can drive around in his luxury car and his lazy son can not work but gain an income from his so called rental property business. Cannon Sr has always been a lazy sob even as a cameraman at WMDT and WBOC so please don't think he's ever been top of any food chain without being on the take. When will locals stop electing this gutter snipe?

    2. If Bobby weren't a lawyer he'd probably already be in jail. Bobby keeps his twin out of the slammer. Dancing just close enough to the line to not get caught.

    3. Johnny Caccon is a born-here with a serious entitlement issue. Nothing more.

    4. That's a huge problem in local governments here.Low educated friends and family getting jobs that are far behind thier comprehension.

  16. If Strasberg says salaries should be studied before any are given then why were they not studied before Ennis and her staff received them ?

    1. 305 they don't have to look too deep to realize their salaries don't pay for the cost of living in Salisbury. No where close.

  17. I tried to make it through, but the sound of drying paint in the next room captured my attention.

  18. blah, blah, blah
    Beyond disappointed underwhelmed with that absolute dog and pony show. Expected more from leadership.
    Cannon went way too easy on the callout

  19. I couldn't even get 20 minutes in. I had to stop because I was so embarrassed for the county! What Director can't go in front of Council and explain their department's budget? The Finance Director should be the knee that does it the best! Take a look at some of the other videos on YouTube. Nobody else is a blubbering idiot like this woman. Thank goodness she is out! Maybe we can hire someone within our country-side at least within our state!

  20. She does look bad in this video. Was she like this all the time while the Financial Director?

  21. As a taxpayer, I feel just like John Cannon does. These budget items - (salary surpluses among others) - is not very transparent. And I also agree with John Cannon - that all of the budgets should be funneled through the finance director. And that leads me to another line item, what about the number of retained attorney's that the County has employed. And I am not talking about our County attorney's budget - but all of the attorneys that have been out-parceled. So Mr. Cannon, and Marc Kilmer, should really be honing-in on these expenses also because I believe the CC will be surprised by the alarming budget numbers.

  22. Sounds like we need to drain this swamp for sure. Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Confusing at best. No organization. Too loose, tighten up. Need a true organizational professional. More and more comprehensive studies. Maybe so, but get this right.

  23. Hey 5:11 have you paid attention to the council budget ????

    NOT !!!!

  24. Wayne makes $100K a year? For what? Damn sounds like the salaries are too top heavy. They certainly cut other employers' salaries to the bone and then wonder why they can't recruit decent workers. Go figure.

  25. Look up her record from northampton accomack county minutes

  26. fire them all. county council included. culver how long you been letting this crap go on? you should be ashamed also., and get rid of wayne. wtf we gettin outta him for 100K?

  27. Hey I would love to have a job making 30 a year. I can't find a job here in Salisbury. I even applied at the Hampton Inn in frutland front desk. Nope not even a phone call back but they sure did want my SS#. They were not interested in my resume just fill out an app with my name address DOB and SS

    1. Maybe you have no employable skills

    2. $30,000 a year is poverty level.

  28. 923 Noticed the county does that, too. Asking for social security numbers on applications. Isn't that illegal? Why would they need that unless they hire a person?

  29. Exactly they should not need my social security number. If I am hired then yes

    1. They need it to run a criminal background check, idiot. If you don't like the rules, don't play the game.

  30. This is a good example of how county's on the lower shore operate. In Somerset, we have 5 unqualified elected officials, that are too lazy to research proposals, controlling all the decisions while hiring family and friends for county jobs. County Commissioners then fill the boards with those who reward their other friends, family, and business associates with permits that are not compatible with zoning.

  31. Clearly the HR person is the only person with any knowledge of the job and her own. The other two not just the one need to go, they have received money for two positions that are vacant and have no idea where the $ is and the subject of raises is ridiculous. She has a "good Staff" because they haven't reported her incompetence. I had a supervisor like this once @PRMC we had to wake her up to get answers she slept @ her desk all the time, don't know if she was sleep deprived or drugged out but does it make a difference? All departments need to be accessed by an out side firm I'd say.

  32. Shocking no one has bothered to see that it took three people (THREE) to explain line items on a budget. How's that for government? Doesn't that just verify every joke ever made about government employees or what? I'd fire Wayne, too, because obviously they had to have the HR person come in and clean up both of their sloppy excuses and explanations.

    Who's on First? Who's on First? Batter Up!

  33. Whatever she did, he fired her during the busy season for the finance department so it must have been something bad on her. Why is everyone so bent up about it? Wouldn't you want him to do his job even if it includes letting people go who aren't doing their jobs?

  34. Wait!Wait! I know that one!

    How many government department heads does it take to screw in a light bulb, er I mean interpret their own budget?

  35. Anonymous said...
    She does look bad in this video. Was she like this all the time while the Financial Director?

    May 20, 2017 at 5:02 PM

  36. Unknown said...
    Yes 9:57 ... councils clumsy trap certainly back fired. Cannon has no idea who is responsible for the budget. Read the charter John!!!

    May 20, 2017 at 7:21 PM

    Thanks Wayne Strausburg!

  37. Anonymous said...
    Hey I have five different accounts but they are all the same one! I like to call them different names so I can confuse myself and others! You got your degree from.... Can I have your job? I got arrested in Salisbury for something I didn't do I am beginning to understand why!!!

    May 20, 2017 at 1:07 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHA!! Another Dumb Criminal.


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