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Thursday, May 18, 2017

It Figures


  1. ...and that is what is wrong with the world today.

  2. Grrr....I love going to concerts but cannot stand it when the people in front of you stand up 90% of the time. I didn't pay to see the back of you all night.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Grrr....I love going to concerts but cannot stand it when the people in front of you stand up 90% of the time. I didn't pay to see the back of you all night.

    May 18, 2017 at 11:52 AM

    I agree. The sad thing is that the bands encourage people to stand up.

    Every time I go I have great seats and then the tallest dude has to sit in from to of me.

    With Bob Culver allowing alcohol at the Civic Center the drunks stand up 100% of the time now. Then you get to drive home with beer spilled all over you. Pray you don't get pulled over for DUI.

  4. They try to piss people off just because they can. What jerks!! And then when someone complains, they will want to fight and act ignorant.

  5. @5:08, when the band encourages people to stand, I do along with everyone else. But when 95% of the crowd sits down, I don't know why these clowns don't have a clue they are blocking the view of others. Sadder still if they know it and don't care.

  6. Alcohol and concerts are not a good combination.


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