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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Hillary Clinton officially launches 'resistance' outside group

(CNN)Hillary Clinton officially announced Monday her post-2016 election plans: A political organization aimed at funding "resistance" groups that are standing up to President Donald Trump.
Clinton tweeted that she was launching "Onward Together to encourage people to get involved, organize, and even run for office."

The group also included a website, which described the group's goal as looking to "advance progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come."
Sources told CNN earlier this month that the former secretary of state, months after her 2016 campaign loss, was working with former aides and donors to build an organization that will look to fund and invest in groups that have impressed her since her 2016 election loss. 



  1. Too damn bad on one of those walks in the woods that she did not get lost or run across a bear.

  2. Hillary owes her globalist donors in a big way. In the end, it's all about Hillary and the deals she's made around the world with those who would turn it into their own playground.

  3. Unlawful treason and sedition against the standing government - somebody arrest her for her new crimes!

    SAhe should have been locked up a long time ago!

  4. How pathetic of her to launch a grassroots campaign after dissing those people over and over again.

  5. She and Bill have lifetime Secret Service protection, so she's fairly safe in the woods.

  6. Why does the logo arrow point to the right?

  7. What a crap website - hardly any information on it and liberal idiots will still "donate" to yet another Clinton cash cow. It is listed as a 501(c)(4) so Hillary can maximize her profit margins without paying taxes. According to the IRS, a 501(c)(4) is a "Social welfare organization: Civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare." That basically means what she does with the funds is pretty much limitless. She could put every penny in her pocket and simply say "I promote social welfare."

    I'm not a hateful person, and Hillary is the only one I have ever thought about like this, but I hope she would just die soon. She has ruined and taken so many lives to maintain her power and greed that she doesn't deserve to walk this planet.

  8. She should go away quietly - before Trump puts her down like a dog, Id love to see her, and Obama in prison

  9. 8:17 I think it's because she's so far left, that any other point of view is on the right!

  10. Fund raising pure and simple. Got to keep up the cash flow you know.

  11. She should keep her eyes on Bill and rest her ravaged brain.

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 18, 2017 at 12:32 PM

    Pathetic, but not surprising. Clinton's made a lot dirty deals with their donors and those donors want "return on their investments". So here comes another Donate to Hillary Scam. Pathetic trick and some dumb Democ-rats will fall for it. "Hey,but what's the Old Witch suppose to do? Bill is always away chasing the young skirts around town and those lonely walks in woods get boring, last time I almost got shot by a hunter who thought I was a Runaway Swine. Poor Me, Donate Now."

  13. That aborted baby doesn't have such a brighter future, does it.

  14. trump should do the same campaign onward to.get.her.... lol


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