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Sunday, May 07, 2017


Dover, DE (USA)

This guy just got out of jail after being committed for torturing/killing 19 cats in NJ. He is now in Delaware and several people on Facebook have said that they have already re-homed kittens with him. Please contact the Office of Animal Welfare (or call the cops – it is against the terms of his release!!) if he contacts or has contacted you about a cat or kitten.

Anthony Appolonia! He also goes by the names A. Smith and Michael Racanelli and lives in Dover near the Air Force Base.

His main means of transportation is DART and he will have you meet him somewhere along their route. He tells people that he has anxiety among other issues and says that his doctor suggested having a cat would be good therapy for him. He will even offer to pay a small re-homing fee.

He was convicted in the state of NJ for killing 19 cats!!! He is currently under investigation here in Delaware for the same thing. If he contacts you, please report him to the OAW.



  1. and the problem is?

    1. The problem is he is a deranged, excuse for a human being. So that's how a lot of serial killers start off by killing innocent defenceless little animals.

    2. Wtf wrong with u he kills cats i kill him

    3. The problem is the subhumans like you!!!! What an idiot you are or maybe you do the same thing to animals and you're trying to get a rise out of people!!! All I know is there is a special place in he'll for you and others like you!!

    4. The problem is even if you don't like cats the man is killing and torturing them I guarantee you if it was a little girl or boy that you found out that he kidnapped and tortured and killed after knowing that all we had was him killing kittens on record and
      With knowing that he has some kind of issues that may change over to human torture and killing
      Everyone would be saying why didn't they stop him they he was sick

    5. 7:16. Hey, could you forward your address? I would be happy to help make you understand.

    6. He also tried to snatch my two year old son from me in the Dover mall. He followed us all thru the mall. I at first thought he was with someone then my friend realized he wasn't and he tried to take my son out of my hand. Then acted like it was an accident that he grabbed my sons hand. I was so shooken up I haven't returned to the Dover Mall since. He took off when I tried to confront him and I lost him. Be careful with your kids too.
      I hope he's locked up.

  2. Maybe he was a mouse in an earlier life

    1. LOL, says the idiot with nothing better yo do but sit faceless behind their computer... Also, it's you're not your.

    2. "Your" is possessive, indicating ownership (your bedtime). "You're" is a contraction for "you are" or "you were". Idiot. (Just goes to show what an idiot you are.)

  3. Please catch this man he should be put to death, and how come he isn't behind bars already?

    1. 9:17. How many child murderers are on death row and you want to kill this man. I love cats just as much as anyone but your statement is ridiculous

    2. A large percentage of child murders started out killing animals, so the statement is by no means ridiculous

    3. He is evil to his core and needs to be put down

    4. The one person that said he has a mouse problem shut your mouth because he wants to kill the kittens

    5. He was in jail. He finished his sentence. The things he does are disgusting and I am afraid he could escalate eventually.

    6. Steady diet of DCON.....

    7. What a monster. They need to lock him up and throw away the key. Or better yet, lock him in a tiger cage!!!

    8. He obviously has mental , mommy, daddy, child loss,or possibly bullied through life issues. He needs help begore he does this again. Just like a child pervert will do it again, that is what these people will do.

    9. Hes secretly under contract with the Chinese

    10. Maybe he's just a liberal and identifies as a cat.....gender equality.

    11. If u read the article you will find he did but was just released and believe he's doing it again which is against his terms of release but they are investing again!

    12. Deadmouse...you are an idiot.....your comment is typical of an uneducated conservative. You people never have anything intelligent to say. You just like to throw insults because you are weak and a bully.

    13. Actually, his remark is justified given the liberal's view of not only gender identity, but now racial identity. I understand it's appropriateness, and is actually humorous. Bully for you deadmouse! But no, he's not a bully. 2:12, It appears you are the ignorant bully. Get a sense of humor! Typical hateful liberal comments. Keep up the hate and bat shit crazy trolling, but you're just not that good at it. Put a little more effort in, and a little less temper tantrums.

  4. child murders often start with kittens, so yeah, I'm all for death row for this jerk.

    1. 100% of serial killers have a history of animal abuse.

  5. Give me 5 minutes with this coward!!

  6. I still can't get over the fact that the stupid public gets more upset over killing an animal than​ they do about killing another human being. They get all upset about the killing of a dog or cat but doesn't even bother them at all to kill an unborn baby.

    1. You are an major idiot 6;51.

    2. Yeah because everyone who loves animals is pro-choice.. You are stupid

    3. Who said we aren't upset over abortion? Hating one doesn't negate hating the other

    4. What a stupid comment! I'm a pro-life conservative and a lifelong animal rights activist.

    5. The person who started this stupid thread must be a whiny Cumburpative. Go back to your safe space, stupid little golden snowflake.

    6. This is an animal welfare page. We care about humans too, kust on a different page. So go to human welfare page. Lots of other caring adults there too.

    7. News flash: Compassion isnt a zero-sum game. And, it crosses all political, etc. demographics. Did you just come on here to spew hate about "liberals!"?]] You need anger management therapy, or some kind of therapy, but spewing on here isn't it.

  7. It's pretty easily accessible fact that psychopathic people first will abuse small animals because they're easy to control. A death sentence isn't what I'd call for, but if he's really doing this he needs to be reported to the police. Not blogged about.

  8. Never ever give an animal away for free or even
    a sm amt. If they can't afford to pay the sum of
    spaying, neutering, flee,tick meds & rabies shots,
    they can't afford the animal ------period!
    The animal is better off taken to a rescue or the

  9. I know of a guy that used baseball bats, chains, and also burnt dogs alive with gas, but since he plays football no one gives a crap.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    and the problem is?
    April 15, 2017 at 7:16 AM"

    The problem is that you are not better than him with that comment. Scumbag.

    1. Amen!!!!!!! I am damned tired of all the cruelty. People who want to kill so badly, why don't they just go kill themselves then and nobody would notice or even care. Another insect blotted off the earth, who cares.

    2. Why dont you post your name your obiously an asshole whose just trying to stir the pot. Big mouth but hids. Typical COWARD

    3. Your obviously just a pot stirewith nothing better to do. Not an animal lover so get of page

    4. the problem unfortunatley is that this kid will most likey not be burned alive or murdered by a craigslist weirdo. what a shame

  11. He started out killing flies when he was young.

  12. Sounds like a lack of maturity and
    compassion from most who've posted.

    It is true, people like him will
    go on to try to or else kill a humane.

    It's important to tell the police
    about these kinds of people!

    Never give an animal away----there are
    Sickos' like this out there & on the
    other side, if a person can't afford to
    pay for a pet----they sure as Hell can't
    afford to give them the proper care they

    1. Or, some people are psychopaths and just dont care

  13. Not for nothing but if this guy showed up needing anything other than a call to 911 he would be SOL. Why would you give anything but a bag of trash to someone who looks like he does?

    1. Trust me, some of the worst animal killers come get their next victims from shelters dressed nicely and looking like they are wonderful for animals.

  14. "And the problem is?" -- The problem is you.
    There is a man who deliberately targets and kills innocent living things that are capable of suffering. If you had a modicum of humanity you'd see that.

    "I still can't get over the fact that the stupid public gets more upset over killing an animal than​ they do about killing another human being."
    I still can't get over the fact that the moment someone wants to protect an innocent life from suffering or needless death, some gluttonous human calls them stupid and bickers about people not caring more about human deaths.

    With an attitude like that, it's no wonder why many people rightly favour the well-being of animals versus most humans (and the fact that someone advocates for animals doesn't even mean they don't care about humans or that they care less about humans, but of course you won't let that get in the way of your recklessly dismissive narrative).

    You're of a gluttonous position that is happy to excuse cruelty despite the fact that you, as someone belonging to the most intelligent species known, are aware of the cruelty being done needlessly to innocent non-human animals, yet despite the knowledge and unique capabilities as a human, you will go ahead and excuse or even promote it.

    You suggest that people care more about humans (and again, apparently if anyone advocates for animals, clearly they don't care about humans, right?), while ironically your very example is one that doesn't give a damn about the well-being of non-human innocents, punishing those who advocate for them. I wonder if it's people like you who are worth the care.

    1. You win the internet today. Exactly.
      Yes, people like that ignorant, anonymous poster give humans a bad name.

  15. Killing and or torture of any and all living creatures is inhumane. There is no empathy, kindness, compassion, etc. for any being. All beings are in danger of being killed and or mutilated. Anyone who does this needs to be killed instantly. There is no cure and the first time a perpetrator is caught it is NOT THE FIRST TIME THE PERPETRATOR HAS TORTURED OR KILLED A LIVING CREATURE.......GUARANTEED......KILL THEM INSTANTLY...TAKE NO CHANCES THAT THEY WILL EVER HARM ANY CREATURE AGAIN!!!!!!!

  16. There is a special place in Hell for this POS.

  17. kill this sick monster n all the people who thinks killing of animals r ok!!!

  18. THE WHACK jobs are these idiot cat NUTS .

  19. Where do some of you immature idiots come from
    on here?! The man is sick , he tortures &
    kills animals----next it might be you or your
    child. It's proven fact, ask any police authority,
    these " nut cases " start with animals & move up
    to humans.
    Animals suffer , just as we do----if you think
    it's OK to torture, kill them, you 're just
    as sick in the head as this psychopath !!

  20. Ill be posting kittens for free just hoping this guy shows up. Don't worry folks, he will never do it again if I find him. I'll introduce him to my friends pigs. Problem solved.

  21. I have 2 he can have.

  22. Serial killers are part of intelligence.
    Everyone of them are illuminati.

  23. Is this Jeffery Dahlmers cousin. Well known that he started that way.

  24. i guess people that stay at home with 10 cats are stable ?


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