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Sunday, May 07, 2017

5 Way Roundabout Coming To Downtown Salisbury

As if things aren't bad enough, the intersections of Riverside Drive, Carroll Street, Mill Street and others will enjoy a total cluster being proposed by Boy Mayor Jake Day. Hey, who knows. Maybe this is the answer to whatever everyone is now dealing with. You tax dollars at work. What's your thoughts?


  1. Why in the hell would you put this there? It wont work!

    1. So the good ole boys can make $$$$ and share it with jake.

  2. ive heard this rumor for about 10 years.

  3. Never work. Not in that area.

  4. Is there enough space to build a roundabout there? It will be a cluster but just take a look at Paris, there is a big one around the L'Arc De Triomphe. Yeah, it'll be a cluster.

  5. The problem with that intersection is the gridlock of cars waiting to get on 50. How is a round about going to get cars onto 50 more efficiently? All it's going to do is gridlock the circle so that no one can use any of the other roads coming into the circle. Baaaaaad mistake

  6. That's weird. Pretty sure you complained about the Fruitland roundabout as well. Turns out that worked fine. Not to mention, roundabouts are actually more efficient than stoplights for traffic flow. Lastly, the Europeans have been doing it in big cities for years...and if they can handle, I'm pretty sure you can too.

    1. Go back to mommys snowflake basement.

    2. yeah but you dont have a stop light right around the corner at Fruiland

  7. 8:07, Are you one of the six people Jake hired to counter whatever we put out there, just wondering?

    Now let's clear up your Fake News. No, I did NOT complain about the roundabout in Fruitland, commenters did. I simply broke the news about a roundabout coming to Fruitland.

    That being said, there's a MASSIVE difference between that intersection vs the Salisbury intersection.

    Lastly, Europe has massive problems with roundabouts. Typical Liberal will create fake news to imply what they are saying is right or true. I let your comment through because I simply wanted to make a fool out of you for once again lying.

    1. I did not think 8:07 looked like a fool when he stated a fact. Many commented on SBYNews against the Fruitland Roundabout, so when reading his statement I never thought the reference was against you. but was to those who "ranted for months "it won't work". As a daily user of the Fruitland Roundabout, it works fine. I will not judge if the Salisbury one will work as I never travel the intersection in discussion.

    2. Is this Jake Day or one of cronies obviously!! Don't be an idiot, you actually think the volume of traffic at that fruitland intersection and mill st are equal?

  8. Roundabouts are proven to be the most efficient way to move a volume of traffic. The poster at 8:03a makes a good point however - the circle wouldn't alleviate the back up approaching Rt. 50, so the whole area would need to be reconfigured. I personally think the roundabouts are a great idea.

  9. Roundabouts dont work in gridlock areas...they just make it worse, common sense really.

  10. I have seen 5 way intersections and yields and loops and all of this... I have also seen 5 to 10 intersections that come to a round-a-bout and yes it is a cluster and will be more of one with those added... I believe the one I speak of is in the UK and is near impossible to understand which way to go...

    Here is a link to the picture I speak of... Or you can google Swidon UK round-a-bout...


  11. As is often the problem with traffic routing on the shore, the river is the issue here.
    How about making Camden 2 lanes north bound with no left turn from Riverside and syncing the traffic lights better?

  12. Lets in a "roundabout" way get rid of Jake in the next election. Its coming big boy, its coming........

    1. Who is gonna run against this tool.

  13. The traffic going to 50 is part of it, but it is also the traffic turning on to Fitzwater st. That left turn lane backs up. That causes everything to back up. That's the problem intersection not where they are proposing the round about.

  14. Here's another major thought. Interesting how one of the Good Ol' Boys recently sold a piece of property on that corner, knowing there is NO WAY to get out of that property east bound. I KNEW there's be some kind of major change in that entire area AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE. Open your eyes people!!!!

    1. It is the Taxpayers harping for the change for the intersection, the City is looking for ways to accommodate. So no matter what decision is made to lighten the load in that area - will be at taxpayers expense.

  15. From what I understand it is currently being studied. It is true that under free-flow conditions roundabouts can be better than signalized intersections. However, several people have intuitively figured out the problem with a roundabout at this intersection: Route 50 backs up too much. It is likely that a roundabout will not work without addressing the Route 50 intersection too. Unless they fix the 50/Mill Street intersection, the roundabout will not work.

  16. The roundabout on walston switch is awful, unless u are in the circle during non busy times. Wor wic traffic backws up and with the red light being so close it is nothing to sit through several red lights while stuck. Some people leaving Royal Farms are to lazy to go around so they go the opposite direction. I've almost had several head on collisions because of this. And let's not forget the recent car that was shot at for flashing another car for going the wrong direction and almost having a head on collision. Can't imagine how bad it will be when they add arby's and other businesses. That round about is to small, to close to rt 50 and at times, has way to many people fighting to get inside. It's a terrible idea.

  17. 8:33...big talk but Salisbury does not have enough voters with cajones to take out the liberals. I have always been disgusted with the voter turnout which makes me believe those who do vote are satisfied with the status quo. So glad I don't live there.

  18. Ya'll are donkeys. It's a fine proposal and there are countless examples of the improvements traffic circles make (JFGI). As others have (smartly) pointed out, traffic trying to get onto 50 is going to be the bottleneck, not the traffic circle itself. It's a learning curve of half a second.

  19. 8:37, 8:07 said, "Pretty sure you complained about the Fruitland roundabout as well". Now show me where it said, YOUR COMMENTERS? Their comment targeted ME, period.

  20. I lived in New Jersey for 60 of my 80 years. NJ used to have roundabouts galore but now they are tearing them all up because of safety. Perhaps this government should contact the NJ DOT and talk to them.

  21. 8:43, a very Expensive "learning curve"!!!! I love watching elected officials risking taxpayer money on "learning curves".

  22. Honestly, I think this has been needed for a long time. I hate that intersection now. The lights are unnecessarily long.

  23. People keep saying the problem is rt 50 that is not true,the problem is the left turn on to main st from mill st. People coming off of carrol block the lanes going to 50 during the peak travel times. My suggestion
    would be to block the left turn on to main st each day from 3:30 to 5:30 and force all traffic onto 50. This will be and easy solution to this problem. I work on riverside dr and I see this every day.

  24. It absolutely will work and you're wrong. I live in Northern Virginia and there are areas that are very heavily populated that switched to roundabouts and made it easier on Driver's. I know the exact area you're talking about and in my town we have 10 areas exactly like that with more traffic. It was an absolute nightmare. A 2 mile drive could take 45 minutes to an hour. It's now a constant flow it takes about 15 minutes to get that same 2 miles.

  25. When I ran for Mayor I proposed reversing the traffic direction through the Downtown Plaza. The intersection at Division and Main can better handle the traffic and invites people into Downtown, not out. By doing so it would eliminate a good 50% of the traffic at the Mill Street light. ANYTHING is better then what they currently have there. Owning a building right next to that intersection gave me the opportunity to witness just how crazy people get trying to race to that light. Anyhow, I believe it's a good start.

    1. sounds like a do-able plan to solve a bit of the problem

  26. A roundabout at Riverside / Carrol /Mill will not work because of the design of the area / the proximity of the river / 50 congestion. Where is the common sense? I hate roundabouts because ignorant drivers. They come into the circle doing 30 mile an hour because they seen nobody in the intersection when they approached. Their peripheral vision sucks and they will broad side you for trying to enter the circle considerately thinking everybody is entering slowly when some idiot comes flying thinking they desire the right of way. Same thing on St Lukes Rd where the by-pass exits. The idiot drivers do not yield as the sign says. yes I travel this area several times each day and it sucks. All because of ignorant drivers who knows nothing about yielding into traffic.

  27. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Think it is a mess now just wait. Oh, don't forget we are adding a restaurant right there too. Which is another stupid idea.

  28. 9:20, That's yet another load of crap. Of course under "anonymous" you'll make such a claim in an attempt to make it look like it's the residents asking for this. I think you'll clearly find in these comments that's just not true. However, people have become dumbed down because of liars making up such BS.

    Right now there is NO expense to the taxpayers. It is, (without any doubt) being seriously considered because of a piece of property being sold and new development going in there.

    One hand is washing the other. Back in the Cohen, Campbell and Spies days, they would've forced the new project to PAY for any improvements, just like everyone is doing to Royal Farms and WaWa. Not the Boy Mayor. He's dumping ALL improvements on the taxpayers.

    Just like the construction on Main Street and Rt. 13. Day is on record stating the removal of contaminated soil was budgeted at $150,000.00, HELL NO! It will cost close to $1,000,000.00 just to remove the contaminated soil, BUT YOU DON'T KNOW THAT! The media is covering that up.

    He's selling off parking lots for peanuts, NOT paying RENT in the GOB and is now planning on taking up most, (if not ALL) of the commercial space being developed on the 2 hour free parking lot and paying RENT to that developer to cover their entire, (or very close to it) investment to develop that property filled above with Section 8 or Affordable Housing.

    You people are being screwed in such a BIG way it isn't funny. Then you have an 80% rental market of NON REGISTERED VOTERS, (people who don't give a crap for the most part) and these Liberals pass whatever they want.

    When I said it was your election to lose I WAS NOT KIDDING!

  29. It's one of the worst intersections in Salisbury. A total bottleneck that spills into route 50 at rush hour every day. What they need is another bridge over riverside drive. Even a bridge at upper ferry road would help to alleviate congestion for those heading to the south side in Fruitland. Too much high end real estate prevents a second bridge from being built. They tell you to take the RT 13 turn off, but it's just as bad.

  30. I drive this route just about every other day and I can tell you, like the others, there is not enough space to build something like this. With the congestion there at rush hour, it would be a total disaster. Another bridge over riverside drive is needed. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

  31. 8:33 said: Lets in a "roundabout" way get rid of Jake in the next election. Its coming big boy, its coming........"

    So, who do you think could beat him - Barrie Tilghman???

  32. At 5, still not even close to the number of intersections in the traffic circles in Washington DC.

  33. I drive this route every day. While, in general, I think roundabouts are very workable--but this one seems doomed. The backup from traffic going onto route 50 and the turning lane backup for W. Main/Fitzwater Street is going to make this a true mess. To add to this, many use the Main Street to cross over Mill Street rather than adding to the back-up for the W. Main Street turn. They are now talking about making this a one way in the other direction onto the plaza rather than away from it which is going to add even more backup to the Mill Street area.

  34. How much longer will this fool be in office?

  35. 8:56 like your suggestion...

  36. I'm torn on this.

    In a big way, it's already a circle. A good portion of traffic flows to the right of the approach. It's generally an efficient route for those cars. It's not efficient when going straight or making lefts, though.

    The problem is the light Fitzwater/Main Street. So many people want to turn left towards Brew River that the cars stack through the intersection. A left turn from Rt 50 to Main Street snarls stuff up, putting a huge cost on a relatively unused pathway. Get rid of that left. Rights towards Camden can also be a problem with the large amount of cars coming off Rt 50 and tight quarters.

    Putting in a roundabout will make the efficient paths less efficient, for sure. They'll be competing with limited relief for the congested paths.

    Let's say it's for the good of everybody, and the work gets done. More cars flow. Unfortunately, that Main Street Intersection won't keep up. It's just going to become an even bigger mess. You *need* to throttle all those pathways to keep Fitzwater/Main from being an even bigger mess. Reconfigure that intersection first and find a way to get a new pathway for Riverside to the East to eliminate a good chunk of traffic from the area entirely, or the money spent on the roundabout is just going to be wasted.

  37. A roundabout will NOT work there!!!!

  38. It's fine until the light on 50 is red...LOL

  39. It will make it easier to get to the section 8 water front housing.

  40. How about saving the $ and just make it right turn on red on Rt50 and Mill Street going to Camden and Riverside Dr. There are too many times that I have been forced to sit at that blasted light on Rt50 and it would have been so easy to just right turn on red instead of wasting time waiting for the light to change. As for what they have now the lights are so out of synch that it creates the bottleneck there every day and if it gets too bad before I get that far I just turn at Lake St and go over the old bridge and even with traffic I can still beat the 50 traffic. As for a round about it will never work at those intersections plus how is the fire dept going to get around it. Stupid idea but what else is new we've had some real winners lately in Salisbury.

  41. Agree with 8:41. That whole intersection is a cluster! The N/S lanes crossing over 50 are HORRIBLY designed and marked. People go straight in the left turn only lane. Then approach the roundabout and you'll get sideswiped because the lane to RoFo and lane to the roundabout ARE NOT MARKED! People realize they're in the wrong lane, freak out, and run over the cement divider or cut you off. Backs up when classes end and workday ends. The should route all exiting WW traffic out the back road by the retaining pond and use the front for entrance only.

  42. People around here are too stupid to use a circle or roundabout. They have a hard time even driving in a straight line and crossing a two lane divided highway.

  43. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Roundabouts are proven to be the most efficient way to move a volume of traffic. The poster at 8:03a makes a good point however - the circle wouldn't alleviate the back up approaching Rt. 50, so the whole area would need to be reconfigured. I personally think the roundabouts are a great idea.

    May 5, 2017 at 8:20 AM

    I don't know if that's true or not, but any roundabout will be a cluster if they people using them do not know the correct way to use them or who has the right-of-way. ( the ones already in the circle has the right-of-way )

  44. They are probably many problems with traffic in that area, and I don't pretend to know them all or all the solutions, but isn't not being able to make a right on red off rt 50 one of them? Of course I know many traffic rules are challenging for many in this area but not being able to make a right turn and continue on your way, when safe to do so, should be able to be done safely even with the most inept drivers.

  45. Great idea! I can't wait.

  46. 9:27
    If they allowed right turn on red the people that are on 50 Westbound trying to turn left would never get across and would block Eastbound 50 trying to do so. There are just too many lights and intersections in that area. Maybe the lights need to be timed differently. I don't think the roundabout is the solution.

  47. The better question is: Does Jake Day have a brain and if so, does it seem like he uses it? It's just stunning how logic doesn't play in his thinking at all.

  48. He'll pay millions on studies and designs to business's of friends and family and it will never be done.

  49. Here's the clincher, roundabouts actually ease congestion if they are used correctly. But seeing as most eastern shore drivers are already well behind the curve this roundabout will be used as a free for all for cuthing other people off and not following traffic laws. Another good thing that will be ruined by stupid people

  50. It's actually the newbies from out of the area that struggle with driving.

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I lived in New Jersey for 60 of my 80 years. NJ used to have roundabouts galore but now they are tearing them all up because of safety. Perhaps this government should contact the NJ DOT and talk to them.

    May 5, 2017 at 8:50 AM

    they also had a restricted lane on 295 that only allowed two or more people in a vehicle to use, which hardly anyone did. they finally got rid of it. I wish more states would realize that.

  52. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If they allowed right turn on red the people that are on 50 Westbound trying to turn left would never get across and would block Eastbound 50 trying to do so. There are just too many lights and intersections in that area. Maybe the lights need to be timed differently. I don't think the roundabout is the solution.

    May 6, 2017 at 3:42 AM

    That may be true. But I see it happen anyway with westbound continuing to try to make their turn when there is no room for them and blocking eastbound. The timing of the other lights that holding up traffic could be a solution as you suggest. Something needs to be done there. It has always been a cluster at that intersection. Eliminating one or more turns and/or one or more lights may help.

  53. This idea cannot possibly work because of its proximity to the Rt. 50 light. Traffic will fill up that stretch and clog the roundabout until the light changes Yeah, talk about a cluster-! Go home and STFU, Boy Mayor, you are no Urban Planner.

  54. I'm all for the roundabout in that location.
    It's a cluster right now and this is a great solution.

  55. No roundabout! no restaurant. What we need is a goose pen on that riverside lot and a f'n goose crossin.

  56. So many people jumping down Mayor Day's throat for merely speaking aloud an idea - about a traffic circle, of all things - about which they have no expertise. You're armchair-quarterbacking Sby's road administration now, folks, really? Get a grip.

    If a traffic circle goes here, it will come with, hopefully, a lot of expertise from actual traffic engineers. It's not like Jake Day is designing any roads himself. Put some faith in the career engineers and professionals who do this every day, because the responsibility will fall to them.

    And guess what, if it doesn't work, the next mayor can come in and make a new road. It's not like roads are permanent. Relax people!!

  57. 8:03, You have to be kidding me!

    What we do here at Salisbury News is deliver news and information BEFORE any BS like this happens, not AFTER like the rest of the local media.

    The idea is to allow viewers/taxpayers/citizens the opportunity to express their thoughts, experiences and advice BEFORE final decisions are made.

    Of course someone like you wants to soften the blow of the masses extremely upset about such an idea.

    YOU claim the Boy Mayor is depending on experts in the field, PLLLLLLEASE! There are no EXPERTS here on the shore. Day continues to go by LIBERAL graphs and charts. Day also believes that having parking meters HELPS Downtown areas throughout America, according to studies.

    So take your BS elsewhere and LISTEN to what the actual public is saying before you piss away MILLIONS of dollars, dumping it on the next Mayor to change what Jake screwed up in the first place.

  58. The "Boy Mayor" you love to disparage did something you were unable to accomplish, which was win an election. Quit crying.

  59. If a traffic circle goes here, it will come with, hopefully, a lot of expertise from actual traffic engineers. It's not like Jake Day is designing any roads himself. Put some faith in the career engineers and professionals who do this every day, because the responsibility will fall to them.

    And guess what, if it doesn't work, the next mayor can come in and make a new road. It's not like roads are permanent. Relax people!!

    May 8, 2017 at 8:03 AM

    Like those career engineers and professional traffic engineers that designed the mess we now have perhaps? It doesn't matter if any of us has any 'expertise' in road design. This blog is about sharing opinions and ideas. You don't have to agree with any of them and you can offer your own opinion if you have one.

    Attacking and insulting your neighbors is not much of an opinion. Nor does it offer any ideas or possible solutions.

    Maybe you should get off the mayor's lap and try to think of one yourself?

  60. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The "Boy Mayor" you love to disparage did something you were unable to accomplish, which was win an election. Quit crying.

    May 8, 2017 at 10:17 AM

    The citizens lost more than an election when Joe was denied his chance to show us what he's got. At least Joe TRIED to make a difference and put his money where his mouth is, which is more than most would do around here.

    I have no doubt things would be a lot different if Joe was sitting in the driver's seat. But the good citizens of Salisbury went a different, but the same, way.

    And you think the last two mayors are disparaged? What would the attacks against Joe have looked like I wonder? No, scratch that. I know what the attacks would be like.

    The same as he gets now only worse and more frequent. Yes, Joe lost and the other guy won. But ask yourselves this, are you any better off now than you were? Hardly.

    I guess we will never know what would have happened, the changes made, the level of crime, etc. And yet he is still here plugging away, still trying to make a difference and make life better in his own way.

    I submit WE ALL LOST when Joe was not elected. One cannot walk down a Salisbury street at night and feel safe. So yeah, until things improve Joe and everyone else has a right and a duty to 'disparage' the leadership(less) of this crime infested, drug flooded town of Salisbury.


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