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Monday, April 24, 2017

Worse Than Racists

As a group, black Americans have made the greatest gains — over some of the highest hurdles and in a very short span of time — of any racial group in mankind's history.

What's the evidence? If one totaled up the earnings of black Americans and considered us as a separate nation with our own gross domestic product, we would rank among the 20 richest nations. It was a black American, Gen. Colin Powell, who once headed the world's mightiest military. Black Americans are among the world's most famous personalities, and a few are among the world's richest people.

The significance of these and other achievements is that at the end of the Civil War, neither a slave nor a slave owner would have believed such progress would be possible in a little over a century — if ever. As such, it speaks to the intestinal fortitude of a people. Just as importantly, it speaks to the greatness of a nation in which such gains were possible. Nowhere else on the face of the earth would such progress be possible except in the United States of America. The big and thorny issue that confronts our nation is how these gains can be extended to the one-third or more of the black population for whom they have proved elusive.

A major part of the solution should be the elimination of public and private policy that rewards inferiority and irresponsibility.

Chief among the policies that reward inferiority and irresponsibility is the welfare state. When some people know that they can have children out of wedlock, drop out of school and refuse employment and suffer little consequence, one should not be surprised to see the growth of such behavior. The poverty rate among blacks is about 30 percent. It's seen as politically correct to blame today's poverty on racial discrimination, but that's nonsense.



  1. Sure sounds like WCBOE!

  2. You are correct- but don't let facts stand in the way of professional victimization!

  3. Listen, this whole thing is crazy. Blacks are the most coddled racial group in America today. If they are offended by anything, we stop doing it. If they disobey a policeman's order and suffer for it, the media takes their side, and We usually have to pay some kind of reparations for what the innocent policeman did. This needs to end, and these people need to be put on equal footing with the rest of us: If you break the law, you pay the price.

  4. Things are so not equal, your comment is so jaded and false, more African Americans get way more time than anyone including the child molesters who only get a slap on the wrist. If only I could make you walk just one day in one of their, I bet you'd cry or die of shock at the mistreatment or how much your life is much better than an African American. You sound very heartless and arrogant, all of you and this is THE PROBLEM WITH THE US. Ignoring the real race problem, turning a blind eye, acting like it isn't happening which makes you too guilty. Where is the compassion oh I'm sorry I guess unless you or your family get treated like an African American does is the only way you'd ever care or even see it. This is the true downfall of America, people like you and your way of thinking that African Americans are treated so great and complain for no reason at all huh? Yea ok, go read a book

    1. Pity Party
      Time: 7am-?
      Date: Everyday
      RSVP: Someone who cares!

    2. You must be a professional victim

  5. Cry me a frigging river! Opportunities are there.


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