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Monday, April 24, 2017

Hogan signs Wor-Wic funding bill

An apparent inequity in funding for small colleges in eastern and western Maryland was rectified somewhat on Tuesday when Gov. Larry Hogan signed legislation that guarantees more money in state grants to Wor-Wic Community College beginning in fiscal 2019.

According to the analysis provided by the nonpartisan Department of Legislative Services, Allegany, Garrett and Hagerstown colleges each received about $821,000 in fiscal 2018, while four others, Wor-Wic, Carroll, Cecil and Chesapeake received only about half that.

According to the report, the western colleges were due to get about $851,000 and the eastern colleges approximately $426,000 next fiscal year.

Delegate Mary Beth Carozza and Dr. Ray Hoy, president of Wor-Wic, said in separate interviews the discrepancy was because the presiding officer at the time the funding formula was determined was from the western part of the state.



  1. SU constantly gets the short end of the stick, too. Time to put pressure on Annapolis to be more equitable in the 4 year colleges. Towson, UMD, and UMBC get all the money. Not fair.

    And Rutherford's daughter graduated from SU. He needs to tell Hogan to spread the money around.

  2. It has always been that way.. The western shore has more legislative clout than the eastern shore so that is where the bulk of the tax money is spent.. We need a more equitable representation.


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