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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Well What Will You Do About April Jackson Governor?

Statement from Governor Larry Hogan on Final Passage of Ethics Reform Legislation

Governor Larry Hogan issued the following statement regarding the final and unanimous passage of the administration’s Public Integrity Act of 2017 by the Maryland General Assembly:

“Today is a great day in our historic state capital. I commend Senate President Mike Miller, House Speaker Mike Busch, and the Maryland General Assembly for working with our administration in a bipartisan fashion to unanimously pass the most important and transformative ethics reform legislation in over a decade. Together, we have made major progress in fulfilling our shared obligation to preserve the honor and the foundation of public trust that our proud institutions of government should always command.

“With this legislation, we are reaffirming our promise and commitment to the accountability, transparency, and fairness that the people of Maryland deserve. I look forward to joining with both presiding officers in signing the Public Integrity Act of 2017 into law.”


  1. I predict that he will do nothing.

  2. Anyone who commends Thomas V. (Mike) Miller and Michael Busch cannot have a solid grasp on reality.

  3. I predict you are right 5:14

  4. Why would Salisbury be under State jurisdiction. I doubt she even comes under Wicomico Jurisdiction. This is a city problem. I grant you that her statement was disrespectful. Lord knows there are far more disrectful remarks on this site than praise. I think there are more problems in this world than an elected official making a slimy comment. Never saw anybody getting upset over the trashing of Obama on here.

  5. What's he supposed to do? The salisbury idiots elected her.

    1. The Welfare crowd votes for her.

    2. There were 3 minorities that ran in the minority district in 2015. Ms. Jackson received 49% of the votes, Shanie Shield received 40% of the votes. I do not remember who the 3rd person was.

      SBYNews readers had dumped on Ms. Shield for years. The district 1 community voted Shanie out and April in. SBYNews readers thought the neighborhood precincts had finally gained wisdom. BUT now it is once more - same old, same old - "Salisbury idiots, welfare bunch" who elected Ms Jackson.

  6. Slap on the wrist.

  7. What did she do that violates ethics? I understand that she made comments about Trump but what rule (s) did she break?

  8. The slimey beyotch dumbocrat will skate!

  9. she should be removed! If anybody else said anything like this, there would be hell, so she should not be treated any different. Remove her from her council seat!

  10. Unfortunately the black community will think the white community is ganging up on her just because of her race. Nothing will be done and she will come out even stronger amongst the black community because of this. It's like the blind leading the blind. Quick look at her Facebook page, people who post on her page and her own post shows she is extremely racist and very on educated.

    1. Apparently you are not black and you do not speak for us blacks in the community. If you took the time to ask 1 or two im sure that they feel like i feel, that she was wrong. Every black i spoke to was disappointed w/ her remarks. However, the racist comments on here appear to be more of a lynching than a collective agreement that she is wrong.


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