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Saturday, April 08, 2017

OC Debating Whether To Eliminate Boardwalk Code Enforcer

OCEAN CITY — While complaints about off-color Boardwalk displays and signage have dropped significantly in recent years, resort leaders voiced concern this week eliminating a seasonal enforcement position could erase the progress and nurture a return to how things were in the past.

During a budget work session on Wednesday, Planning and Community Development Director Bill Neville pointed out some changes in the way his staff is best utilized has reduced the need for a part-time seasonal code enforcement officer on the Boardwalk. The individual monitors compliance with town’s codes regarding outdoor displays and signage. Not so long ago, complaints spiked on the Boardwalk about not only the content of some outdoor displays and signage but also the location and a concerted effort was made to enforce existing ordinances.

The efforts have received the desired results for the most part with fewer complaints about non-compliant outdoor displays and signs. Based on that success, Neville’s fiscal year 2018 budget calls for the elimination of the part-time code enforcement officer on the Boardwalk, which would cost an estimated $3,100.



  1. Guess POOR OC does'nt make enough money because they do not have enough visitors to keep the town going. (Sarcasm) If only one visitor with a child is offended it is one to many. Just pay the $3,100. You won't go broke.

  2. The Boardwalk is intended to be family oriented. Not to cater to a bunch of no morals, college kids.

  3. There are less complaints because the families have stopped coming downtown because of all the drunks and trashy t shirt shops.


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