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Monday, April 24, 2017

Trump Warns Democrats "Obamacare Will Die Soon Without 'Big Money'"

Amid tensions over debt ceiling discussions and government shutdown concerns, Republicans continue to face the fact that passing an Obamacare 'alternative' remains highly unlikely.

But it appears the GOP has a cunning plan to cross that chasm. President Trump said early Sunday that ObamaCare will die "far sooner than anyone" thought if it doesn't receive federal funds to keep it going.
ObamaCare is in serious trouble. The Dems need big money to keep it going - otherwise it dies far sooner than anyone would have thought.
As The Hill reports, the president's message comes just days before the Democrats and Republicans must agree on a federal budget or face a government shutdown. Both parties are pushing for funding of their own priorities. The White House is pushing for funds to build a wall along the Mexican border and enhance border security, while Democrats hope to make more inroads in healthcare coverage.
The Democrats don't want money from budget going to border wall despite the fact that it will stop drugs and very bad MS 13 gang members.



  1. Obamacare - it only works for those that don't...work!

    The rest of us should NOT be forced to buy something we don't want - or pay for it for someone else!

  2. Careful there Prez...if "it" dies on your watch - YOU will forever be remembered for allowing Health Care to fail.....Not Obama and not Congress.

    The job as Commander-in-Chief of the USA is a double edged sword!!!

  3. 9:44 Do you pay for car insurance even though you never get in an accident? It's the same concept.

  4. Good. Most liberals are unemployed and probably on ObamaCare. If many of them end up sick and dying after we're allowed to stop paying for their health care, maybe they'll stop trying to push their stupid B.S. on the majority of Americans that don't want to be part of their Socialist "paradise."


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