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Monday, April 24, 2017

Hood College Republicans club's display causes backlash, possible penalties

A display at Hood College intended to spark discussion of hot-button topics has instead been met with criticism and possible penalties for the creators if the college determines they violated school policy.

The Hood College Republicans club on Tuesday decorated a glass case displayed in the Whitaker Student Center with material highlighting conservative viewpoints on topics including abortion and transgender people. Club members said they intended the display, which is available for student groups to use on a rotating basis, to highlight conservative culture and to invite an open discussion of different beliefs.

But students, alumni and faculty instead framed the controversial quotations and images as hateful and threatening, particularly to the minority groups mentioned in the material. Some have called for the display to be removed ahead of the scheduled takedown next Tuesday.



  1. Dems get to be as hateful and violent as they want. This garbage is really getting old!!

  2. As no one's head has yet exploded while viewing the collage, it's probably pretty tame.

  3. poor babies
    gonna need more crayons there

  4. Only because it doesnt agree with the lefts mindset, if it was BLM or of the same content, they would cry racism right away.

  5. Liberals celebrate their rights while denying those same rights to others.


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