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Friday, April 14, 2017

Top Republicans Ask AG to Review IRS' Lois Lerner Case

Two top Republicans involved in crafting tax legislation asked the Department of Justice to take another look at embattled former IRS employee Lois Lerner.

Lerner led the IRS department suspected of targeting conservative groups that were seeking nonprofit status.

Congressmen Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) and Kevin Brady (R-Texas) wrote a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions requesting a "fresh look" into evidence against Lerner, The Hill reported.



  1. For as many times as she took the 5th, you just know that she was neck deep in wrongdoing orchestrated by Obama.

  2. She should be stripped of all Federal benefits including her fat retirement check. She should also be in prison. She abused her position and should not be rewarded. Also she should be held on contempt since she testified on her own behalf and then was allowed to plead the fifth when she gave up that right when she testified by written statement. Any lawyer would not that since that would be covered in law 101. The Politians who let her off during this time should be investigated, including bought off by Soros.


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