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Friday, April 14, 2017

Democrats Are Outraged Over Kansas House Seat Loss

Republicans continued their electoral winning streak on Tuesday night in the first congressional election of the Trump administration.

Republican Ron Estes beat Democrat James Thompson to be the next representative for the fourth congressional district of Kansas. Estes won 52.5 percent of the vote while Thompson took 45.7 percent of the vote. The seat was vacated by former congressman Mike Pompeo after he was confirmed to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency for the Trump administration.

The margin of victory for Tuesday's election was closer than in the 2016 election. In November, Pompeo won reelection in the district by 32 percent, while President Donald Trump won the district by 27 percent.

Now that the election is over, Democrats are trying to figure out who is to blame for the loss, and Twitter exploded with finger pointing. Some believe that the Democratic national party abandoned the race, while others argue that if the national party got involved, it would have hurt Thompson.

More here


  1. The Russians hacked another one huh?

  2. AMEN!! Thank you!

  3. Thompson should have gotten hildabeast, owebummer, and pocahantos to stump for him. Could have lost more biggly.

  4. They cannot seem to grasp the fact that most people are not excited about their platform.
    It not about national defense or security or anything like that.
    It's all about LGTBQWY rights (I'm not sure about all the different letter), protecting criminal immigrants, making sure muslims get everything they demand, and trying to convince women that they don't have the same rights as everyone else.
    They will continue to take serious ace-whippings until they get on track with what is important and real.
    They will continue to take ace-whippings until they realize that THEIR #! JOB is the protection and security of AMERICANS. Their very first obligation.
    They will take victimhood and drive their party into the ground.
    Cheer that.


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