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Sunday, April 09, 2017

The worst place to live in America?

Now I want all of you to keep in mind, I too moved to Salisbury Maryland and practiced what I had preached. Before my car was stolen, before I was raped and certainly before I had been shot, I got the hell out of Salisbury and even sold my property, like many thousands of others have done.


  1. Thanks for your honesty, even though it looks bad on us it should. Law enforcement and the mayor here paint a very different picture, they are not fooling the ones of us that have lived our whole lives here. This is why we can't keep neighbors, and realtors and home owners think they can sell their properties for whatever they want. In the presidents neighborhood we average new neighbors every 6 mos to one year at the most! When a church has a convicted child rapist living in their parsonage it tells you the truth, the preacher and even the church community don't care why? BECAUSE THEY THEMSELVES DON'T LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go ahead Mayor Jake, City of Salisbury, City Council, County Council and City Administer lie and butter it all you want. IT IS WHAT IT IS!

  2. Why would this person move BEFORE any of these things happened? What made her think that any of the aforementioned would happen?

  3. 9:25 the problem is stagnation. Ignorance breeds ignorance. The offspring of degenerates are more than likely going to be degenerates.

  4. Kind of a liberal conversion therapy glad he made his way out of the darkness.

  5. I am truly amazed at what a turd the city of salisbury has become over the last 15 years due to the liberal democratic leadership in charge.
    polish it all you libs want to, it's still a turd!

  6. Take your heads out of the sand....wake-up people, turn the TV on....crime is rampant! It's not just the City of Salisbury, you move to any City and you will find the same crimes, if you relocate write back and let us know how it turns out!!!! Instead of running turn around and do something about it! Go to the City and County Council meetings and voice your concerns then vote for change.

  7. In 2014, I took my family out of Salisbury and out of Maryland. We moved to FL where it seems, Everyone is a "come here." And we were welcomed with open arms, big smiles and exchanged stories with our new friends about why we left the places we did. A stark contrast to the "welcome" I received in 1993 when I moved to Delmarva.

    Speaking with my 17yr old Daughter last week, we were talking about our lives now and our lives, then. She still has friends in Sby who she stays in touch with. She still misses "home."

    But, she's glad we moved for the simple reason that as she stated, "I am absolutely convinced that if I had attended Bennett HS, I would have been raped."

    She then went on to describe Bennett as a culture of gangs, rapes, fights and constant conflict. Whereas here, we hear nothing about such things from our kids, now. We hear about the fun she had doing a beach cleanup for National Honor Society, her latest submission to the school's literary magazine, etc.

    Regrets? That we didn't leave sooner.

    1. In 2013 we too left the shore for Naples Florida...people couldn't wait to help us with schools... ect....all very welcoming.....we have very low crime considering nearly 300k people....great jobs....progress.....and the weather never hurts....leaving the shore....the best thing we ever did.....

  8. Just had a conversation with my HVAC man last week and he said ALL his family; including extended family have moved to the area just to escape the Baltimore area. Even with the crime over here, he says it's much better than where they came from and lived all their lives.

  9. 12:12 am Did go to city and county council meetings, Mayor's Round Table Meetings, started a neighborhood assoc., and guess what things stayed the same, no more Round Table Meetings where neighborhoods could get together.Church didn't want Neighborhood meetings because people didn't attend church activities so they shoved one out of choir because of clothes he wore and that he couldn't attend all rehearsals because of work. Accused meetings of not turning off lights and ac-when it was preacher not locking up and turning things off in different part of building. Neighborhood people when complained to church were ignored repeatedly. Sometimes things in life actually don't get better because faith and friendliness are not put to light. The light under the bushel thing and just being good neighbors, and treating others as you have them treat you is just not exhibited like God wants of each and everyone of us. Show your neighbors those who may not dress the same, lifestyles differ, complaints and requests are opportunities for change. Salisbury like other cities can change but the change has to take place in all our hearts not just some. When you speak think of how you may be perceived, a handshake, welcome, or a smile do make a difference.

  10. My friends and some of my relatives, who are from here, have moved to both NC and Fl to escape the high crime and taxes of this area. I am ten years from retirement. I have updated my home to be sold. I plan to do this and move to North Carolina where the Taxes are low, the winter climate is mild and the people are friendlier. My wife and I have been disgusting this for some time. This is no longer the land of pleasant living. There is nothing here. There is no real future for young people here to find any kind of decent paying job that pays a living wage. We have elderly parents who still need us, but when they are gone, there will be nothing here for us anymore. My oldest son is already looking at a job in Architecture in Charleston SC, and my other son is looking to move as well for construction opportunities in North Carolina. Maryland taxes everything. I need my retirement income to stretch further, so I plan to make my escape when that time comes.

  11. All the Southern states with the lower taxes are slowing but surely becoming blue states. Everyone from up North move there and continue to vote the same way. Pretty soon you will have democrats running those Southern states as well and the taxes will go up. To those that are moving to NC beware. Places like Raleigh are becoming just as bad as Baltimore and are flooded with illegals.

  12. That's right, 4:41, absolutely. It sucks down here. And the state is full and crowded, no more immigrants allowed! Don't come here, we don't want you.

  13. @3:50 p.m. Hey Paul, we're goin with you!


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