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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Rahm Emanuel Invents New ID to Ensure Illegals Get Their Welfare

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has moved forward with plans for a Chicago-only identification card specifically designed to ensure illegal aliens in the city can receive welfare benefits with minimal risk of repatriation.

The new program was unveiled at a Chicago City Council meeting on Wednesday, and it protects illegal aliens from federal oversight by not collecting any copies of identification documents presented when illegals apply for the identification card.

“Applicants bring in the documents to prove someone’s identity. They hand them over to specially trained individual who can review the documents and then hand them back … It’s going to capture just the name and the date of birth. It’s not going to capture an address,” a source close to those officials told the Chicago Sun-Times.



  1. This is not right if not down right against the law. If it is illegal then the feds NEED to start prosecuting these mayors and councilman. It seems to me it would fall under aiding and abetting a criminal!

  2. He needs to be ARRESTED.

  3. And all any cop or ICE agent needs to see is that id without an address. Buh bye illegal aliens!

  4. Cut all Federal funds going to Chicago immediately This is a blatant violation of Federal law controlling welfare / public assistance. He is manipulating / aiding and abetting the operation of defrauding the Federal government and the US tax payers. This is a criminal act. Ask some of the old Mafia. Where is the AG?

  5. Rahm's time is almost over.

  6. Throw Rahm Emanuel's arse in jail for doing this.

  7. arrest that worthless piece of excrement now!

    if Trump had any cajones, he would send in the feds.

  8. To quote the late-great Sherman T. Potter: "Bull Hockey"!!!!

  9. 11:46 is on the money!

  10. If illegals are in this country and are not given social aid dollars they will leave. No handouts will also prevent them from crossing the border in the first place to our government I say DUH!!!!

  11. The fox is guarding the chicken house.

  12. All I want to know is why would the taxpayer give their money that the government mandates to steal from us, to a illegal or anyone else. Our families surely could utilize the money ourselves instead of handing and throwing it to a unknown. "They" claim the out of country illegals come here to work and better themselves. If so, go ahead with you bad self, it's not our responsibility to support anyone other than our own.

  13. Its simple. No federal welfare funds to applicants without a valid address. Trump will deal with Emanuel and his Chicago crime syndicate.

  14. I need a special ID to so I can collect on some that I have paid in all these years! How do people think it's ok for us to support those that have and never will pay a cent into the system? This needs to stop! It's bad enough that we take care of our own freeloaders, we don't need more and illegally here!

  15. Trump needs to move federal agents in to arrest Rahm Taliban man.

  16. Under the 911 anti-terrorist laws issuing ID for use to falsely obtain resources, or access to other properties and sites is a criminal offense. I also think it provides a penalty for those that issue fake ID's along with those that procure them. Arrest the asshole and let the courts sort it out.

  17. Read about Rham's Father's activities in Israel during the 1940 - 1950s

  18. Damn the ones who give away our American Benefits !!!

  19. And you can bet the people who will look at the paper work will be spanish speaking and will not dare turn anyone down for benefits. Just like they are not turned down at the unemployment office and the welfare office. They look after the illegals. This has to stop.


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