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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Texting & Driving

It never ceases to amaze me just how many people are texting and driving. Another thing that drives me crazy are all the people who drive in the rain and refuse to turn on their headlights. They pass speed traps and I never see police pull them over for that violation. 

The state also allowed mandatory headlight use on Rt. 50, yet very few people turn their lights on. I'll add, it doesn't seem to be working at Sixty Foot Rd, does it. 


  1. Before PCBS, which would be called police brutality today, there was a joke about a lady who blows through a stop sign. Cop pulls her over and says "you didn't stop at that stop sign. She said " but I slowed down". The cop took out his billyclub and proceeded to beat her on the head, and said, " now, do you want me to stop or slow down?" A lesson to all you idiots who do not stop at a RED sign. Even those who can't read know what RED means.

  2. I run with headlights on all of the time. It's easy and safer.

  3. looks like she is hungry, and calling in for a fast food pick up

  4. So were you driving while you took this picture?

  5. Had a old black cat in a big blue van this AM Southbound on 13 in the passing lane going between 15-25 mph, this started in front of the college to Fruitland. I could see a phone to his left ear in his mirror. Traffic was heavy and he didn't have a clue what his surrounding were. I couldn't get away from him so I detoured at Cedar Lane before going postal on his stupid self. It easy to forget the lights when rain starts, because one vehicle may have auto lights all the time and your other may not. It is the texting and talking that bugs me, lights turn green and turd sits on it.

  6. 1:08, No, I was a passenger when I took the picture. What say you now?

    1. @1:34. Get a life, become a policeman, or MIND your own BUSINESS. That's what I say NOW. I'm sure this won't get approval. 🙄🙄🙄

    2. Since you were a passenger, I'd say you are correct . Just checking to make sure you weren't using your phone too, while driving.

  7. Cell phones have killed - pay phones never did.

  8. Headlight rule is stupid. If you pay attention you would have no problems. Stay in your lane and you have no problems. Stay off your damn phones and you have no problems. Don't drink and drive and guess what? No problems. Why is it always some stupid excuse by somebody who thinks they know better but really knows nothing opening their mouth.

  9. Seen oceancity mayor a week or two ago doing the same on rt 50 , leading by example i gess!

  10. 2:59 yes about as stupid as you shouldn't wear dark colored clothing while walking along the road at night.

  11. And use your damn turn signals ! ! Takes 1 second !

  12. 2:59 when you are pulling out on the road and it's raining it's hard to see an oncoming car if their lights aren't on. You aren't as smart as you think you are.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @1:34. Get a life, become a policeman, or MIND your own BUSINESS. That's what I say NOW. I'm sure this won't get approval. 🙄🙄🙄

    April 8, 2017 at 1:39 PM

    It's not only HIS business, it's ALL of our business. We have to share the road with people like that, and unfortunately, people like you as well. Why don't YOU get a life and stop trolling this blog? We see what you try to do and ignore you for the most part, not giving you the attention you so crave

  14. Hmmm, doesn't look like a dash cam took that picture. More than one law breaker here.

  15. For those claiming this photo was taken while driving, study it a bit. The Perry Mason in me observes there would be some interior or window posts showing if shot from under the wheel. Just my humble opinion.

  16. Sexting > $100 fine !!! Texting > $50 fine !!!


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