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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Breaking News: The man suspected of posting a video to Facebook in which he killed a passer-by shot himself dead in Pennsylvania, the police said

A man sought in the fatal shooting of a 74-year-old man in Cleveland, who then posted a video of it on Facebook, shot and killed himself on Tuesday after a brief pursuit in Erie County, Pa., a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania State Police said.


  1. That car had Gps in it what took the cops so long long to track the CAR ?????

    1. He is dead so stfu and stop quarterbacking

    2. Maybe he disabled it? Not hard to cut wires or rip out a transponder.

      Maybe the warrant was in the works.
      Maybe they were tracking him.

      Lots of things could have been going on, don't assume crap you know nothing about.

  2. Hurray! Good its over! We won't have to pay for his sorry a$$ in jail! 15 minutes are OVER!

    Now back to man haters anonymous talk with Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow!!

  3. GOOD! May he burn in hell!

  4. Car didn't have GPS as reported by other news outlets and he got caught buying McNuggets and fries. Drive thru dude called the cops after recognizing him/the car.

  5. Good boy....saved us a lot of money!

  6. Typical asshole took the coward's way out because he knew he would go to prison the rest of his life for killing Mr. Goodwin. Good riddance.

  7. A shame h didn't just kill himself first.

  8. McNuggets can be deadly! Good job, McDonald's employees! You are true Americans in my book!

  9. 5:40...I agree...why do people feel the need to murder someone...anyone...just because they are miserable. Since when is suicide no longer satisfying and you have to take someone with you? I'm guessing it is the media. I'm guess this is the 15 minutes of fame everyone was craving years ago which is now made possible by media coverage.


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