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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

College Snowflakes: The American Flag is ‘Triggering,’ Offensive – Take It Down!

Liberals have invented a lot of imaginary “triggers”, which serve no other purpose than to effectively erase things they don’t like from the world. This is most common on college campuses, where college snowflakes yell “trigger” whenever they’re confronted with something that they don’t like. But now it’s gone so far as claiming that the American flag, of all things, is triggering and offensive.

Previously, there was a university bylaw requiring that the American flag be present during UC Davis Student Senate meetings. That was evidently unacceptable, because “the concept of United States of America and patriotism is different for every individual”. Senate Bill 76 was introduced by Jose Meneses, a naturalized citizen, and reads, “It shall not be compulsory for the flag of the United State of America to be displayed at ASUCD Senate meetings.”

“It should be at the discretion of the Senate whether presenting the flag is presently necessary,” it continues. “Considering that the flag is seldom present at Senate meetings, it should not be mandated by the Bylaws as a codified practice.”

A UC Davis spokesperson explained that this was not an administrative choice, but one made by students alone. “This a Student Senate bill that the Student Senate [voted] on,” the spokesperson said. But not everyone is happy about the decision.



  1. I am offended by this.

  2. IF YOU FIND THE AMERICAN FLAG 'TRIGGERING AND OFFENSIVE' then by all means feel free to leave the USA!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Amen!! Carry your weak, liberal self to North Korea.

  3. Someday they will have to leave their pretend world, paid for by their parents, and go out into the real world. Give them twenty years on their own, and see how much "smarter" they become.

  4. And there you have it, the beginning of the fall of society. Just wait until the day comes when our society is so screwed up and weak that another nation will swoop right in and take over, by force - but not too much force. In the beginning, it will be done through ideology (like it is being done now), and then once there is a foreign group in power, they will keep their power through force. The poor bastards won't know what hit them. They'll be subjects and not know how to stand up for themselves. America, as we knew it, will no longer exist.

    Just my two cents.

  5. If the College allows this, then remove all Federal funds from going to them for a minimum 5 yr period, option then to reevaluate but not mandatory. The ones that are offended by the US flag then deport them. They don't belong in America or get tax payer benefits of any kind.

  6. I bought the shirt & wear it proudly: "If you have a problem with this flag, I'll help you pack". Stars & Stripes forever!

  7. just what kind of flag should we fly

  8. Stars & Stripes stay up forever. YOU are offended and YOU have every right here to be offended, and YOU have every right to take yourself to a place that does not fly the Stars and Stripes.



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