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Sunday, April 09, 2017

Snowflakes At It Again. Whoops, I Mean Misfits

What: March for XXXXXXX

We are marching to demand immediate action to investigate the President's tax returns and business interests, as well as for strengthening rules requiring transparency and preventing crony capitalism.

When: XXXX, 2017, X:00pm

Where: Starting and ending at the 
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to carry our message with maximum visibility to the community. The march will end back where we gathered with a mass postcard signing (postcards will be provided at visible stations) to send our message from the Eastern Shore to Washington, D.C.

Please see map for the route. Moving in a clockwise direction, we can stay on the right sidewalks for the easiest movement along major roadways.

Request: If anyone knows any "Never Trump" Republicans or Libertarians who might be interested in speaking, please PM us. Anti-corruption is just about the broadest possible coalition that can be assembled!

This may seem like a more dry and procedural cause than past marches you've been too, but it really is fundamental to our democracy. The Resistance's energy has been incredible up to this point, and I can't wait to hear our voices demanding an end to Donald Trump's secrecy and cronyism.


  1. Where were these idiots for the last eight years? Obama was the king of corruption. Totally agenda driven. No credibility.

    1. They were baby snowflake idiots in training.

  2. No focus. Just a fad. Nowhere puppets following instructions to keep at it from Hillary, Obama and Soros. And Trump could care less. And most Americans could care less.

  3. LOL! If she ever did see a tax return more complicated than her 1040 EZ, she'd have to hire a tax accountant to explain it to her! Does everybody share their tax forms publicly? I've never seen it. She acts like it's a crime not to do so!

    What an idiot!

  4. 6:23 - my thoughts exactly. And doesn't this girl have anything better to do like WORK?

    1. ...pretty sure she's unemployed and still living with her parents.

    2. Yeah till 26 living in mommys basement ....Trump needs to Stop this at the age of 22 and let them fend for themselves waaaaaaaaah

    3. That cant be only they do that

  5. Postcards?!?! LOL

  6. 6:23 AM, they totally had their head in the sand or up Obama's arce.

  7. They were raised on Obama, so anything else, including rationality, is often undiscovered country.

    I would rather see them go after Al Sharpton for his decade or more of unpaid taxes, and Hillary Clinton for her decades of self-serving secrecy, but that's just a dream that I have.

    1. You cant find any Caucasian liberals to dislike? Lol she is Caucasian.

  8. Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder.

  9. As Rush would say, "minds of mush". Pitiful...sad.

  10. Well I guess the feeble minded need their fun too. Why anyone would pay any attention to that LIAR Molly Likovich only proves they themselves leave much to be desired. Misfits is absolutely right. Misfits who want to show off and attempt to call attention to themselves because they are nothings. That's why Molly LIEkovich lied about her employment. She has a compelling urge to make herself important because in reality she is nothing but a loser.

  11. "Anonymous said...

    Where were these idiots for the last eight years? Obama was the king of corruption. Totally agenda driven. No credibility.

    April 3, 2017 at 6:23 AM"

    You have to look at what you are dealing with. Molly and her kind are not good people. They were raised by filth who never instilled in them decency. They like their idol obama lie constantly and are low class and vulgar. They have never and will never serve any useful purpose to anyone so this is a way for them to feel important.

  12. "Anonymous said...

    6:23 - my thoughts exactly. And doesn't this girl have anything better to do like WORK?

    April 3, 2017 at 6:41 AM"

    Yeah she works at Delmarva Public Radio. Oh I forgot she lied about that. What a freak. She actually thought she was safe and no one would follow up.

  13. I hope our new IRS do a nice audit on her and her clueless so called parents ?

  14. This is all they have in life to make them feel important, We all know that no matter how much they protest nothing will change. And in the end it's just an attention getting tool because they are very lonely people.

  15. They love the attention! Remember even bad publicity is good publicity. Every time they are blogged or put out there it helps their cause

  16. Molly, Molly, Molly....'cause than past marches you've been too,'???
    If you had been vice president of the English Club you might know (no?) better, snowflake darling

  17. glad u blocked out the date time and location give the witch ZERO help.

  18. I hope all there cars are Id and sent to the IRS.

  19. She had 6 years of college and sells doughnuts...not a very good return on the investment.Pay your fair share.

  20. "Please see map for the route. Moving in a clockwise direction, we can stay on the right sidewalks for the easiest movement along major roadways."

    Molly, that would require an analog clock! Doubt you have ever seen one...or any clock for that matter

  21. They hacked Trump's taxes and it showed he paid more taxes than Bernie Obama and Hillary.

  22. Aw, are you good ole boys upset that the next generation are exercising their right to assemble?

    1. Just laughing at the sore losers, what's wrong with that?

    2. You are a true IDIOT its your clueless fake group trying to take Americans rights away if it does not fit your fake A.. Agenda HYPOCRITE MUCH but its Us Rednecks that will be stomping on your snowflake cowards NECKS.

  23. Aw, are you good ole boys upset that the next generation are exercising their right to assemble?

    April 3, 2017 at 8:04 AM

    Not so much...go ahead and make fools of yourselves

  24. Hey Molly I thought you were taking a stand for women's rights ? Why are you not protesting the rape of a 14 year old girl at Rockville high school by an illegal alien ? I guess you don't support ALL women.

  25. She "craves" attention like a drug addict! Little does she know that NO ONE gives a rats A$$ what she says or does. Insignificant weirdo with low intellegience. An event that is a major waste of time because it accomplishes NOTHING!

  26. @ 8:04 Your generation stands for nothing you can protest and chant all you want and nothing will change. At some point you are going to have to get a real job and pay your fair share of taxes so my generation can retire and relax while you labor for us...LOL

  27. Do I have to get a pussy cat hat?

  28. Where is her BFF, the Delusional One, on all of this? Guess Mark has restricted her use of the computer at work???

  29. This girl is a liar and nazi. She is being funded by soros now. She is on the email list from the bigger groups that cause chaos. I hope the FBI is monitoring her computer like they did President Trumps. She is going become a real danger now. Please be careful around her and the violent groups that bus in. They are violent and will attack you.

  30. Maybe Trump will release his tax returns when Molly releases an electric bill that shows her name at the top and that she actually paid it. Yes let's all stop and listen to the wisdom of college grads still living off their parents dime. What a waste of air and space.

    1. College Punks do Not belong on parents healthcare until 26 it should only be until 22........get ur OWN INSU SNOWFLAKES.

    2. Snowflakes where and are brainwashed by Obastard and the dems to be lazy Bastards.

  31. Switching to taxes now that the Russian lie is proving to be the biggest democrat scandal of a lifetime and people will go to jail for illegal wiretapping.

  32. Do you realize that by even mentioning this, we are enabling her...free publicity (even with the black out info). I know it makes for lots of comments, but even negative attention IS attention.

  33. Molly has turned her back on the Rockville rape victim.

    1. 10:06 Yes she has. Since she claims to be a victim of rape I would think she would be all over the rape in Rockville. But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Just take a look at her parents. They created her and it's very sad. She will go through life always being the victim and NEVER amounting to anything. Btw Molly so the last march really was a anti-trump march? I thought you tried to say it wasn't ?

  34. Snowflakes Will be the END of America they need to be hung for Treason.

  35. She's just eating up all this attention , damn shame she lives.

  36. I know it makes for lots of comments, but even negative attention IS attention.

    April 3, 2017 at 9:29 AM

    It seems to me that is all that anyone wants nowadays. Attention. How many followers they have, how many likes they can garner, how many shares and whatever else they feel they need to bolster their self worth.

    It's all temporary, meaningless. They have no clue what they want only what they think they don't want. And even then it's based on misconceptions, disinformation, lies and deceit.

    Instead of marching, protesting and fighting everything under the sun, they would be better served to join those who wish to make things better for everyone, not just a select few or group.

  37. Why promote this? She loves the attention this website creates for her.

    Having her whacko ideas announced on the blog, only emboldens her. There's no such thing as bad press for her.

  38. " Anonymous said...

    Aw, are you good ole boys upset that the next generation are exercising their right to assemble?

    April 3, 2017 at 8:04 AM"

    Don't be so ridiculous. That's the problem with you liars 8:04 you are also the products of the dumbed down US "education" system so are unable to even think for yourselves. Just informing people what they are following. A lying low class nothing whose life is so miserable she has to pretend (and lie!) about where she worked. She belongs locked away in a home with other liars because they serve no useful purpose. It's okay to assemble but do it for REAL purposes and not ones dreamed up by a pathological liars like Molly Likovich

  39. Gotta give the woman one thing - she sure is entertaining. That is until someone yells SQUIRREL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Total waste of sperm!

  41. MOLLY come to the westside around 3 am we would Love to meet you and talk about issues bring some SPD chief Pizza ?

  42. Anyone who would believe she was raped is naive. She is a proven liar so anything that would ever come from her is to be suspect. Plus that ugly looking lying thing couldn't get a man even a rapist would run from her.

  43. Mrs Hijab better stop following around Molly and start paying attention to her so "religious" husband who is running around trying his hardest to sniff out other women. I would suggest a makeover as he tends to fancy women who aren't so plain Jane looking.

  44. I guess her parents didnt beleive in abortion ? but i thought libs like molly do ??

  45. Molly, Oh Molly....listen up! I won't do this in German, just regular English...Our PRESIDENT just donated his first quarter check (just short of $79,000) to the National Park Service. Now, your group wants to see his tax returns?

    First of all, you have no right to them.
    Secondly, we all want to see yours for the past three years...assuming you had income
    Thirdly, get the Hell off of this HIGH HORSE you seem to be riding and put your money where your mouth is...if you have any money to do that.

    Get lost Molly, you are a loser scum!

  46. Molly,
    This would be kind of like...if you show me yours, I'll show you mine. Now you should get it!

  47. Joe, Molly confirmed that she still lives with her parents on her twitter account last night/early this morning.

  48. Molly is A Future Welfare RecipientApril 9, 2017 at 8:10 AM

    Molly needs a big girl job and leave her 'activism' days behind her. She actually put on her Facebook that she was an activist for the City of Salisbury. Is there such a BS job as this? If so, why is our tax money going towards paying this twit a salary? Back in the day, activists did their activism outside business hours and usually held down some form of employment other than activism.

    1. This is why these punk sbowflakes do NOT belo.g on there parents insurance till 26 it needs to be 22 the age of GRADUATION.

  49. PLEASE, I axe again, take that photo away and use another if you must. Before I also, throw up in my lemonade.

  50. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This CommentApril 9, 2017 at 9:30 AM

    926 you stealing my name? isn't anything sacred in this world anymore?

  51. Didn't use the name brother. Added also it there, to show that. I respect and like that name and would never steal or abuse it. Simply made a reference, my apologizes.

  52. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On My TVApril 9, 2017 at 10:26 AM

    LOL 1021 no worries. It is a funny name but too true when I saw that nonsense about Jake Day passing out hot dogs and smoke detectors. It's based on a real live event. Unfortunately. Lemonade stings when it comes out of your nose.

  53. Maybe we should be glad that she still has mental healthcare benefits to use.

  54. The one time i believe in Abortion.

  55. Please HELP! My hair is on fire and i can't put it out unless i march... ...for something.

  56. This girl is desperate for attention-negative or positive,as long as it gets her seen and heard.

  57. 804 AM - The next generation already quietly organized and sent your party to the back of the bus!! What you are doing now is meaningless!! Next time you see Trump on TV try to find the worry in his eyes!! LOL - you losers!!

  58. Do they provide crying towels or do you bring your own?


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