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Friday, April 21, 2017

REMINDER: Civil War Heritage Day

Civil War Heritage Day

Allen Community Hall, Allen MD

Saturday, April 22nd 2017 10:00-4: 00pm

Aleta Davis 410 749 5168

Enjoy a day from the Civil War period at Allen Community Hall 26575 Collins Wharf Road, Allen MD on Saturday, April 22, 2017. This is a free event to the public but. Vendors with local crafts, and food from the Civil War period will be for sale. Bring a blanket and enjoy a picnic lunch, There will be soldiers from the Sons of Confederacy and Union, demonstrations of spinning and weaving, crocheted rugs, local authors of Civil War books, and more. Exhibitors will be there with Civil War weapons , medical equipment and more, lots of fun. Wear your Civil War attire and bring the kiddies. If you missed our Civil War in Allen play last year, copies of this DVD will be available to purchase. Proceeds from food sales will go toward the restoration of the Huffington/Pollitt house, future home of our museum. Contact Aleta Davis, 410 603 6767 for more information.


  1. Can we all bring our Confederate flags?

  2. What flags will the Sons of Confederacy be carrying? Plain pink?

  3. What a waste of life, 750,000 died for a Race that don't care for America, and bitches about all the free stuff they get!

  4. Be careful....if we erase all history by doing away with monuments and symbols we will never remember the serious lessons learned. Or maybe there was no lesson learned ......history repeats itself.

  5. Guarantee one thing don't even try to go down in that neck of the county I try to spew your liberal hate for heritage and the confederate flag!! It won't be accepted or tolerated


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