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Friday, April 21, 2017

All 35K NYPD Officers Now Being FORCED To Prove How Gender ‘Sensitive’ They Are…

You’ve got to be freaking kidding me. All 35,000 NYPD officers are now being forced to take training and pass a quiz proving that they understand commie de Blasio’s mandate that you get to use whatever restroom that matches the gender you choose at any given moment. You’d think they’d cover men raping and molesting women and children in restrooms in the training since this directly adds to that threat, but sadly, you’d be disappointed. They have to watch a propaganda video entitled: “Transgender Diversity and Inclusion: Mayor’s Executive Order 16.” All supervisors and manager must watch it as well. The quiz is mandatory.

This is sheer leftist lunacy. New York City is broke, but they find the funds to pay for this gender crap. Funny how they can’t find money to pay officers more for their dangerous jobs and keeping New Yorkers safe. De Blasio is busy signing every communist order he can find or dream up. What I don’t understand is why New Yorkers stand for this and elect people like this. I know the police hate him and don’t have much choice. This has got to be hell for them.



  1. Unreal ALL to satisfy less than 00.1% of the cupcake population ? I thought Obama was not president anymore so why is this happening?????????

  2. Left wing Fascists never fix anything they just experiment on society.

    1. Time for dems to be the experiments.

  3. Liberals: Global warming theory is science. Biology is not science. Identification of gender is based on psychology and not physical characteristics. They are plumb crazy!

  4. The NYPD might have to take this sensitivity test but I don't. If I see a man enter a ladies rest room he'll wish he hadn't.

  5. Yes, let the Police beat the crap out of them until they answer truthfully which sex they were born!!! Nightstick justice......

  6. It's time for a total strike, period.


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