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Sunday, April 23, 2017

On Bill O'Reilly, IT'S ABOUT TIME!

While I know many of our viewers have enjoyed Bill O'Reilly over the years, I get that. However, there is no place ANYWHERE in America where a man can sexually abuse any woman. 

So FOX made a clear choice, we're not going to take this crap any more. Good for FOX. Clearly there was overwhelming evidence as well as some 50 sponsors who stepped in and canceled their ads, enough was enough.

So as far as Salisbury News goes, we're done with Bill O'Reilly and we are not going to get involved in the BS let's feel sorry for Bill. He's done and so are we. Everyone simply needs to move on.


  1. Innocent before proven guilty Except if you are a public figure. Sorry to see SN buy into this. I heard the sons of Murdoch are liberals who want to take the channel in a different direction. Either way we all know liberals will state a lie over and over till many people think it's truth.
    I maintain he was only trying to get back in the dating game. The women who sued saw big money available to them.

    1. You maintain he was only trying to get back in the dating game...yet, Billy Boy and Fox were settling out of court with multiple accusers a decade before orielly got divorced. Keep maintaining lol

    2. This logic seems to only apply to the rich. Let a poor, local man do this. The readers, of this page, and the community would hang him high.?

  2. Surprised at this reaction!! Any right-leaning commentator is in the cross hairs of the progressive left. Guilty or not? Have you ever seen the left interested in the truth? Absolutely not!!

    The goal is to silence the right. By any means necessary.

  3. IF he is acquitted in court - he could sue for a bunch!
    If the charges are not filed before the statute of limitations runs out - he could sue for a bunch!

    Either way, he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion...and that IS a shame!

    Not disputing some of the things he has said and done - none of which yet he has been convicted of a crime for committing - but one of the cornerstones of our way of life is 'innocent until proven guilty'!

    1. Both orielly and Michael Jackson paid out millions in settlements to numerous accusers.

      I don't consider either innocent.

  4. Everyone simply needs to move on - is more often than not, easier said than done. Why don't you simply move on.

  5. This is what we in the U.S.A. have become with nuts running things. Accuse, convict, punish, without a hearing. Street lawyers without a degree. I don't know or care if he did this. I do know he deserves to defend himself, but like I said, we have changed methods to suit ourselves. And we speak of how things are ran in Salisbury. Salisbury is following the norm, do as you darn please. The only thing we have going for us at this stage is President Donald J. Trump. This proves that the citizens here still want Law and Order and the country as it has been and should be.

  6. 6:25 Clearly you are a liberal and have not done your homework. Do you have inside information? In our country of laws a person is INNOCENT before proven guilty. A couple things for you to think about. LOL is cute but also shows a lack of fairness, maturity or seriousness of the accusations.
    One can only hope that you are never in that situation. Imagine for a second if it were you who was being accused of something you didn't do and everyone thought you did?
    At 68 it was time for Bill to retire however I wish he had been able to do so gracefully. I expect you will see one of two things - many counter suits or charges will just be dropped.

    1. Not a liberal. Not falling for a creep that paid millions to silence his victims either. These settlements have already been agreed upon by the creep and paid.

      You clearly don't know what you are talking about. There's no counter suits coming. And there were never any criminal charges. Just a creep paying off victims like Michael Jackson.

  7. To the nay sayers calling me names, get over it. If FOX chose to let him go, there's plenty of evidence. FOX is a business, not a toy. Sponsors jumped ship, costing FOX millions of dollars. Of O'Reilly was innocent they would have defended him to death. They made a business decision. I'll add, O'Reilly has made MILLIONS of dollars. If there's a future for him, someone will pick him up. It just won't be FOX. Call it the court of public opinion all you want, it's clear to anyone with a good business head on their shoulders that something very serious happened and by getting rid of him they are putting good money after good money. Smart business move. Remember, they SETTLED $13,000,000.00, there is NO court. They covered his rear end, period. Game over.

    1. Have you ever been told your wrong ? fox news is now being run by murduchs {the owner} 2 liberal sons they are slowly destroying and changing the channel then what say you Joe ?.

  8. Thing is none of the accusations are substantiated with actual proof of any lawlessness or molestation. Sounds like the Left did a hit job with Mexican owned NYT at the helm. What are you people going to do when this story is debunked like so many others from the failing newspaper? You're going to look pretty stupid. Mind you, I am not a fan of O'Reilly and haven't watched his show since 2012 but unjust smearing a person's character is just wrong in so many ways.

    1. There's no smearing going on. Millions upon millions paid out to silence over a decade of accusers.

  9. 15 years is a long time for anyone. I stopped watching him years ago as he was become tired and arrogant.
    Fox has a right to hire and fire anyone. I am sure they paid him well over the past 15 years.
    Most entertainers have ethics clauses in their contracts as well.

  10. 7:43, "Have you ever been told your wrong ?" Well, I'm married, so the answer is, absolutely, yes.

    You seem to ignore the FACT that $13 million was paid out to settle numerous women threatening lawsuits.

    I don't think many of you understand what it takes to file lawsuits. IF there is no evidence, no case is going to move forward. It costs a LOT of money to sue someone. You also have to find a lawyer/s willing to take on such cases. It's a very serious production and very costly to boot.

    There wasn't just ONE case filed. FOX, (no matter who is behind it) made a business decision. It would cost FOX a LOT LESS money to settle then to take each case to court AND each person had to have enough evidence to convince FOX they had better settle.

    People need to stop being so simply minded. $13 million dollars is a LOT of money, period. I'm simply saying the O'Reilly situation is going to be dropped. My prediction is, this isn't anywhere near over. The media is going to go after this like a wounded animal in the wild and they are starving. By dropping this issue here on SBYNews is actually doing him a favor.

    1. This cannot be Joe posting this comment its too soft of a response who is writing your responses sby news staff lol .

  11. Give Michelle Malkin the spot she is Aewsome and hot

    1. 8:03. You have that O'Reilly mentality!!

    2. Ohhhhh
      please Women are worse than men ...SNOWFLAKE.

  12. Looking at the on air talent that stayed, I wonder if Dana, Kimberly, and Martha gave in to Bill. Now that's something fun to think about! Never met a Martha that looked so good.

  13. There is no place for sexual harassment. The attorney for the women did an interview last night where she mentioned "taking Bill O'Reilly down" numerous times, not justice for the victims. It leaves me wondering.

    1. I guess men should look down and NEVER say anything i hope all u liberals drop dead.

  14. I think the thing made o'Reilly popular was he actually enjoyed getting into arguments with people. I didn't always agree with his views. Sometimes they were kind of left of center, but he was always entertaining and enjoyed reading his viewer mail and responding to hate mail! Love him or hate him, he was the highest rated program in prime time. I don't see him going away. I am certain he will be picked up by either another network, or an alternative news channel like RT news, or even HBO. Like Bill Marr, who I cannot stand to watch! The man was a great debater. I understand why FOX let him go, but the very thing that got him in trouble, was nothing new. He got in trouble and was fired from Inside Edition before coming to FOX. He is a breed of men that are dying out in this country. You may call him a male chauvinist pig, but 50 years ago, there would have been no problem. Political correctness and the attack on men since the women's revolution has pitted men against women. Even in dating.

  15. Gotta hand it to you Joe, one of the few times I agree with you 100%

  16. cut the CATV cord!

  17. I only wish they had let him go with more dignity. He married late in life, had two young children, and I wasn't at all surprised he paid people off - it was his way of protecting his kids however misguided it may have seemed. I hear what you say Joe about how much it costs to sue but these ladies had money to put forth and stood in a position to gain a whole lot more.
    Just saying. I hope Bill decides to relax, stay out of the spotlight and enjoy the years he has left.
    Now, can we get Rachel Maddow off the air - she is one of the most annoying women I have ever encountered.

  18. If Bill O'Reilly is innocent and was wrongly terminated he would be dragging those women and Fox News into court. The lawsuits he could file would be huge. I would imagine he would fight to the death to clear his name. But I don't see that happening. I read his statement on his website and he seems to be walking away without a fight. My guess is that O'reilly probably is the pervert they made him out to be and has more skeletons waiting to pop out of his closet.

  19. Bill O'Who? Each made lots of $$$$$ for business! Now its time for change!

    Anyone remember Dan Rather's antics at CBS?
    (1) Cut off Bush #1 in mid sentence on live TV.
    (2) Deliberately didn't show up on air because of a Tennis over-run into his news timeslot.
    (3) lies about Bush #2

    He ended up leaving because his antics got old.

    Change happens all the time...sad, but its life! Bill O' will find another platform - they all do!!!

    1. Now there on the stupid show The View waaaaaaa
      I thoght they where all moving to Canada ? typical lying democRATS.

  20. Very disappointed with fox news --cant stand to watch any other news network but will now watch less and boycott all advertisers that pulled out on Mr O Reilly.

  21. The 99% liberal media will now be 100%!


  22. This is all Fox News fault. They hired all those sexy, attractive females and put them in short skirts and put them on tall stools and Bill just could not resist the bait. If Fox had chosen a more diverse group of females, Bill would not have been tempted so often.
    There were no "Fat" (sorry obese) "Dumb" ( there I go again) to keep
    Bills libido in check. So, its entirely Foxs fault. Where is the Equal Oppurtunity Commission.

    Excuse all my spelling and grammar mistakes, Fox wouldn't give me an interview because of it. Also said I did not fit their BODY IMAGE.

  23. You say that $13 million is a LOT of money, but he made much, much more than that for Fox News with his show. And Fox paid Bill $20 million to leave. That's a LOT more than $13 million. Fox dropped him like a lead balloon because the advertisers were leaving the show just due to all the negative publicity (I wonder where that was coming from?) and not because of any "evidence." This is part of the very overt war on the right by the fascist left wing party in this country.

  24. Four liberal ladies on MSNBC having just too much fun discussing O'Reilly - and saying what a disgusting pig he is. "He should not be allowed to have any public forum!"
    I wish I would've been on the panel. I would've asked just one question:
    "Raise your hand if any of you ladies have ever given Bill Clinton a standing ovation at some event."
    Hypocrisy at it's very worst.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Innocent before proven guilty Except if you are a public figure. Sorry to see SN buy into this. I heard the sons of Murdoch are liberals who want to take the channel in a different direction. Either way we all know liberals will state a lie over and over till many people think it's truth.
    I maintain he was only trying to get back in the dating game. The women who sued saw big money available to them.

    April 20, 2017 at 5:53 AM

    Isn't that what you are doing by 'convicting' some women of 'seeing big money available to them'?

    Knock it off

  26. 1:56 - No it wasn't what I was doing. I was trying to look at both sides of the story. And to be honest yes, I have heard of women (and men) who do things for the money. That is a human behavior fact some people are capable of.
    And while I do take things seriously I also understand that in this PC culture a man can't even ask a woman out with any confidence he won't be accused. Look at your college campus's. It's a problem.
    Considering how the liberal media is out to shut conservative speech up it's not a far fetched idea.
    So I'm willing to believe the best in a person whose reputation has been good all his life.

  27. I have an honest question to all the women out there. I'm asking because I am actually naïve in all of this. I really want to know the truth in terms of how this works. And not the stereotypes.

    If I were at a dinner business date with an attractive woman and we were having a fun time and she casually asked me to come up to her room to room, I think I would say yes.

    Is it really true that women don't think this way? That is, if she was having a really fun discussion and was asked to go upstairs, would she be really offended.

    I'd really like to hear some past answers on this.

    1. 5:16. I can honestly say I wouldn't. Just having a dinner date with someone doesn't mean you know the person. I like to think a real man who was interested in me would like to get to know me before jumping in bed. I have no interest in a one night stand with anybody. It's about having self respect and a moral compass.

  28. If I were a woman, I could walk up to any man on earth, charge him with sexual harassment, and probably win my case with the right lawyer, period.

    O'reilly and Hannity still have my audience.

  29. I am a woman, I would not be offended but would say "no". Being called "Hot Chocolate" is not offensive to me because I could laugh it off and come back with a snappy answer like -"thanks, but I'm not interested in Whipped Cream.
    Topping. Think O'Reilly should charge me with sexual harassment?

    I am naive enough to believe the majority of sober men understand "not interested" and will follow your cue. Too many woman pull the "sue card", when it is them who act and dress like "easy".

  30. 9:12 you sound like a real piece of work. Please stop spreading your ignorant opinions. I'm sure you're a real hit with the ladies

  31. Had a feeling we had a bunch of mysoginistic pigs on the shore, most of these comments confirm it!

  32. @ 9:26 That's a very prejudice opinion of all people on the shore, Maybe you should get out more.

  33. evidence???? what evidence.....these FOXy chicks objectify themselves with low cuts and elevated hem lines..then bellow when a male notices....c' mon


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