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Thursday, April 13, 2017

No One Is Prefect ;-)


  1. If they're watching me they are wasting time and money.

  2. Don't give a hoot, doing nothing illegal.

  3. Would 7:18 be willing to give up freedom of speech because he has nothing intelligent to say?
    How about surrendering the Second Amendemnt because guns are too loud for him anyway?
    He doesn't really care about ANY of the rights that we have (and so many others don't) and is ready to hand his whole life over to someone who knows how he should live and act.
    Sometmes the issues are bigger than your individual world, where you do nothing. And don't seem to mind being watched, recorded, filmed and photographed. Every second of every day.
    Keep cheering, 7:18.
    Just quit trying to give MY rights away, even if you don't want yours.

    1. Yeah, ok. By the way..mom's calling down the basement stairs. Your pizza rolls are ready.

  4. Everyday!!! and so are you. Our freedoms are gone for all intent and purposes. This is NOT legal under any circumstances and the snowflakes that were and are willing to give up their privacy rights don't deserve America.

  5. With that rant, Imclain said will be the first to be listened to or watched. Lol No wonder Imclain is so paranoid, maybe bears watching. At least chill out, before going postal...man. I don't fear government or any man, other than one supreme being above. Like mentioned by 7:18, got nuttin' to hide.

  6. Let them bring me in, I have been trained watching Lerner and the fat failure. Take the 5th or a fifth of Jack.

  7. Facts can't be paranoid.
    The Indians didn't (at first) fear "the government". Neither did the Mexicans or the Jews.
    Having nothing to hide doessn't equate with fearing what the government can, will, does, and has done.
    Keep cheering.

  8. Was watching TV and the record light came on , my husband said "what Im not recording anything" ! Hum ???


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