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Thursday, April 13, 2017


If it crosses Beijing's "bottom line"

With everyone putting down new and/or revised “red lines”, be it on Syria or North Korea, it was now China’s turn to reveal its “red” or rather “bottom line”, and in a harshly worded editorial titled “The United States Must Not Choose a Wrong Direction to Break the DPRK Nuclear Deadlock on Wednesday” Beijing warned it would attack North Korea’s facilities producing nuclear bombs, effectively engaging in an act of war, if North Korea crosses China’s “bottom line.”

The editorial in the military-focused Global Times tabloid, owned and operated by the Communist Party’s People’s Daily newspaper, said that North Korea’s nuclear activities must not jeopardize northeastern China, and that if the North impacts China with its illicit nuclear tests through either “nuclear leakage or pollution”, then China will respond with force.



  1. Kim Jong really needs to take some time off and do some traveling.

  2. Sounds cool, I hope it is one of those new Nukes they got! The fallout will slow down the Global Warming.

  3. And just who says that President Trump isn't doing anything for international relations?

  4. Kim is insane and only had 700,000 and china 2,500,000 and ours forces 1,400,000 troops with battle group in the area.

    1. Correction, North Korean has 5,589000 paramilitary , also 600,000 reserve troops, combined it has the largest military in the world. But i hope we don't go to war , if we should we will still mop the floor will their ass!

  5. Jong ordered somewhere close to 600,000 civilians out of the capital recently. Whether this is to ensure there's room in their underground subway system so it can be used as a bomb shelter for the elites or to minimize civilian casualties (unlikely) we'll just have to see.

  6. China (and North Korea) both know (so does the rest of the world) that if things pop off, neither one of their countries would exist the next day.
    They will run their mouth and talk some trash, but this editorial is China's way of saying "hey, we don't want to be associated with someone who is apparently the next target of America. Just sayin'".
    They are worried their little puppet is biting off more than he can chew and they don't want Bejing turned into Stone Age rubble because of it.
    China is afraid. For now.

  7. Seeing is believing.

  8. Pray for the safety of our military and our country everyone. This could potentially get very real very fast. We are not strategically in a good location at all if N. Korea sends a missile here.

  9. They can't do that yet. Thats why we are getting ahead of the curve now.


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