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Saturday, April 08, 2017

NAU Students Demand President of School Resign Because She Doesn’t Accept Safe Spaces

Liberal students are calling for the president of their university to resign after she refused to give into their politically correct demands for “safe spaces.” This is one woman who realizes you can’t coddle a student into adulthood, and it is absolutely amazing to see her take a stand against the liberal tide that’s swamped so much of American academia in recent years.

Students at Northern Arizona University demanded their president’s resignation over comments she made about “space spaces” on the campus. During a Q&A forum hosted by the university, a student questioned President Rita Cheng about how she would implement or endorse safe spaces on the NAU campus.

Remarkably, Cheng answered the liberal snowflake with refreshing honesty, and said that she cannot support safe spaces because they do not allow students to develop the necessary skills they need to be successful once they leave campus.



  1. California should deem itself a "safe state" and all liberals required to move there! The rest of the country does not care about your paranoia and insecurities.

  2. Liberals demanding segregation...LOL They never change.

  3. There are no safe spaces in the real world, marshmallows, so it's time to get used to it.

  4. The only really safe place is at home (hopefully).


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