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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Joy Behar Compares Ivanka Trump to A Hospital “Candystriper”

President Donald Trump has relied heavily on his daughter, Ivanka Trump, to help him craft parts of his policy platform — something that hasn’t sat too well with liberals who can’t stand the idea of Trump’s daughter having a major role in the administration.

On Wednesday, the ladies of ABC’s “The View” decided to rip into Ivanka because they still can’t accept that she has a major role in the White House, The Daily Caller reported.

“It’s like going to the hospital and having the candystripers do the surgery,” co-host Joy Behar said. “That’s what’s going on here.”



  1. This scum would not make a pimple on any Trump's rear end. She (?) doesn't have the intelligence to make a comparison, partly due to the dummies jealousy of the Trump family.

  2. The obese no talent Oger is jealous on so many levels. She is a nothing.

  3. joy you aint no joy your a dried up pussy hat.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 8, 2017 at 2:56 PM

    The whole "Wiev Crew" are Trump haters. Joy Behar in particular is jealous of Ivanka, who is attractive, smart and successfull businesswonan. Behar doesn't have any of these qualities, so she is reduced to spew her lies and bullcrap in front of coached and dumb-down audience along with her cohort Whoopie.

  5. Joy (not) blowhard read to many C.S. Forester books. You know, horatio hornblower. Sorry for the connection Mr. Forester.

  6. It was christmas eve and everybody was feeling mary so mary got mad and went home,then every felt gay so gay went home and everybody jumped for joy. Joy it's time to go home to that looney bin you came from.

  7. Big deal ....I compare Joy Behar to a huge POS

  8. Empty barrels make the most noise

  9. The view is full of beasts...No beauty is involved in that show! Joy is the beastliest of all.

  10. Behar is an idiot.

  11. Joy Behar is like Large Marge from Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure! Which one would you rather be? A candy striper or a crazed lunatic? Tough decision.


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