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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Multiple Cops Heading To Salvation Army Area In Salisbury 4-19-17

Witnesses said there were at least 12 cop cars heading to the Salvation Army, Salisbury Middle School area for what we've been told was a large fight about to break out between teenagers and adults. 


  1. Joe
    google ....
    muslim man walks into a south decota christian seminar with 400 people then goes back in his car goes on fb LIVE and shows all his guns laughing and the cops did NOTHING.

  2. Another day in Thug-ville.

  3. Thank you their feed is offline on broadcastify

  4. This problem isn't going to go away anytime soon. These kids around here don't fear adults, police, but most of all going to jail.

  5. 5:35
    We had an article about that yesterday :)


    1. I BET it was a Obama loving police chief that let him go ? What happens if he goes back and kills people?

    2. Comment on the referenced article from yesterday..i more interested in what this local issue is about

  6. Jake Day said people are moving to Salisbury, Not if they Google Salisbury and they can read!

  7. Scanner junkies had it posted as Doverdale but now the post has been deleted. Fascinating. I guess they are on da' Mayors payroll.

  8. When will Jake and Barbs leave. Jake do something worthwhile by firing barbs and let's get the SPD turned around into a real police department. Barb's for the love of God please leave.

  9. The problem will go away if the Police get out and open fire....watch folks scatter like rats!! LOL The ones laying on the ground weren't fast enough!!!!

  10. Animals running wild, unfettered by any sense of decency. Explain to me again how it's all the white man's fault.

  11. Those scanner junkies get highly offended when you correct their mistakes. Some of the flunky farmin come to their defense so probably connect to city somehow.

  12. Amazing, 3 hrs later everybody still knows nothing.

  13. Its not as much as there is no fear for adults/LEOs...its the total 100% lack of respect. That's just simple sad.

  14. I had to visit Salisbury recently after moving away last year. I get so frustrated because it could be the most beautiful and charming town. Instead, it is anything but that. I appreciate what jake is trying to do with the community centers but come on. What do the taxpayers get for their money?

    They don't get the public schools. The streets aren't safe and the medians look like trash.
    You have to get the addicts off the streets and away from the stores and gas stations
    You have to beautify the roads coming into and all around town
    You have to have a zero tolerance policy in schools.
    Make residents proud of their town!

    1. Bc jake is keeping his idiot snowflake voters close.

  15. Ghetto thugs! Yep, Jake Day feel free to annex that!

  16. Discipline starts at home! We as ppl need to step up instead of spreading hatred or ignorance, the same energy negative energy is what Trump is using and about to put the US in danger

    1. I agree with the discipline starting at home and these kids need their asses whipped! Problem is parents are encouraging their children to act out. Hell the parents are along side of them. Making excuses for them and enabling them to keep going! I say if they want to act out and fight. .draft them! As far as Trump goes....this was going on way before he was even thinking of running so it's not his fault! These people can't even walk on sidewalks and properly cross streets, disrupt classrooms, robbing people, and etc! Something needs to be done and blaming the President isn't one! Maybe the older folks should be allowed to carry belts and bust some asses when they act out!

  17. Jake Day is probably one of the most corrupt mayors Salisbury has ever had. It's only a matter of time when all his corruption catches up with him.

    1. He learned it from his puppet master jane Ireton.

  18. Come on guys Jake day is a good Christian leader full of morals, values, integrity!! NOT

  19. is johnnies on east main st now the new police station


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