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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Bill O'Reilly: 'Tremendously disheartening' to leave Fox News over 'completely unfounded claims' of sexual harassment

Bill O'Reilly broke his silence over his Fox News firing to call it "tremendously disheartening" to be leaving "due to completely unfounded claims" in his sexual harassment scandal.

"Over the past 20 years at Fox News, I have been extremely proud to launch and lead one of the most successful news programs in history, which has consistently informed and entertained millions of Americans and significantly contributed to building Fox into the dominant news network in television," O'Reilly said in a statement. "It is tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims. But that is the unfortunate reality many of us in the public eye must live with today. I will always look back on my time at Fox with great pride in the unprecedented success we achieved and with my deepest gratitude to all my dedicated viewers. I wish only the best for Fox News Channel."

Parent company 21st Century Fox announced earlier Wednesday that it had determined that O'Reilly "will not return to the Fox News Channel" after multiple women's stories of sexual harassment came to light.



  1. Someone makes an unfounded claim and your livelihood is gone.

    1. Not someone...multiple.

    2. Yup and t
      you can thank the 2 liberal sons of the owner of fox news FACT.

  2. Guy is a tool. I wouldn't want my wife or my daughters within 100 miles of him.

  3. Typical of society today. Guilty until you prove yourself innocent.

  4. Unfounded claims yet he paid out $13 million???

  5. 10:30 because you know him personally right ?

  6. Don't worry about Bill O'Reilly....wherever he ends up it will be an automatic ratings spike for that network, and down goes Fox News....be careful Hannity the Murdoch's will focus on you next.....Friendship with President Trump equals lies and false accusers to damage your reputation!

  7. 10:23 this was NOT an unfounded claim. This pig finally gets his and I am glad he is gone. Roger Aviles was another pig!

  8. Sounds political to me. Whose next? Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson?

  9. Those libeeral Murdoch sons really know how to ruin someone's life.

    1. YUP i have been Warning about this for over a Year.

  10. Come on. Get real. There may have been one or two liars, BUT not all of them are lying. period

    You gotta' pay to play Bill. sorry...

  11. The Liberals attacking another conservative. FOX led by Murdock's liberal sons are slowly getting rid of Conservative commentators / quest and replacing them with liberals. They are beginning to look like CNN / MSNBC and the other liberal outlets.

  12. Let's see the proofs.

  13. Wow. In less than a year Fox News loses almost its entire prime time line up. Greta, Megan and now Bill. I think that more departures are imminent.

    1. And that should tell u everything u need to know.

  14. HE didn't settle on anything. FOX paid the $13M and knew EVERYTHING. Bill O re-upped his current contract so he will still get paid another year or two.

    Fox will eventually lose out. Tucker and his bow tie...nah.

  15. FOX is turning into CNN look how they are getting rid of conservitives and ALLOWING anti trump news casters like fruitcake Shep Smith stay ? HANNITY IS NEXT WATCH.

  16. I WILL tell you what that if hannity goes so will 25 million viewers fox is DONE

  17. Take away their makeup / short dresses / high heels / tight tops and make them all wear flat shoes baggy tops up to their chins and pants then there will be harassment because the only ones giving women compliments would be other women. They dress for compliments and men's attention then accuse and sue for harassment. If men stop the compliments then see what women do.

    1. 6:21. Women do not dress for men.

  18. Lol. Must be the Bill in him. He been a philander, to say the least,for decades. Just live the single and entertain the willing life Bill. It would saved you $$$.

  19. It's so easy! How many think Donald Trump actually grabbed groupies' p***ies? More than 60%???, yet he never did!

    It just needs to be said and repeated inaccurately enough times, and somehow "becomes" fact!

    This guy is being inundated with "charges" none of which has ever gone to court because it would ruin his career, and now because they DIDN'T go to court, his career is ruined????????

    Time to listed to O'reilly and Hannity, and NOT Fox news!

  20. The real reason for all the chat and running it on every channel is they were fair in their election coverage, not bias like the other stations and their ratings were #1. If he is guilty let it be settled in court, let all on both sides come out, his lawyers could have talked him into those settlements, Elvis settled out of court all the time and that wasn't covered like this. Truth will win.


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