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Friday, April 21, 2017

MSM Insanity in Overdrive

This was a claim made by Rachel Maddow yesterday about Venezuela riots, which she said are because of Trump. How much more stupid can this woman get is beyond comprehension. Venezuela's ills is from Socialism. Nothing more.

Maddow should be removed from the network, but then again, the network should cease to exist because they have nothing of any merit or value to offer viewers.


  1. Under Obama everything was Bush's fault, Now everything in Trump's fault.

  2. The liberal minions believe what she says.

  3. I'm not affiliated with any political organization - but she is the most arrogant and annoying commentator I've ever seen ! She makes me sick to my digestive system. Where in the hell did they get that bi*** ?

  4. When she's gone (which many hope is soon), who will they get to star in The Rachael Maddow Story?

  5. The journalist will vanish when CNN publishes a story that actually names a source.

  6. Question was "How much more stupid can this woman get...."

    Well for one, she/he stands to pee. Secondly those manly hands are another give away. Lastly who is she/he looking at once she/he gets on the soap box? Every single time when this transpires she/he is locking up and over to her/his right side...OR it would be to the left when weeeeeeeee look in disgust at him/her.

    Nothing of relevance comes out of his/her mouth.

  7. They are quickly running out of negative stories about our President.
    Just today they reported "an uproar" of Jeff Sessions calling Hawaii an "island in the Pacific."
    I'm damn near done with ALL news channels now, and I'm a news freak.
    (For example: Many hours dedicated to O'Reilly's "hot chocolate" comment. TWO MINUTES on the death of John Glenn!)
    Check please. I'm done here.

  8. She is a hater, plain and simple. Spews her snarky venom at any man she can.

  9. Actually the situation in Venezuela traces directly back to none other than Hillary Clinton. Look it up.


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