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Friday, April 21, 2017

Labor Official Earning $380K Crowdfunds Legal Defense for Corruption Probe

Aloise fighting charges of rigging elections, taking Playboy Super Bowl Party Tickets from companies he negotiated with

A high-ranking member of the Teamsters who earned more than $300,000 last year is seeking donations from the rank and file to defend himself in a corruption probe launched by the union.

Rome Aloise, an international vice president and key West Coast ally of embattled union President James Hoffa Jr., is being investigated by the union's three-member Independent Review Board on charges of corruption that include taking gifts from employers and rigging union votes. Although the case is a civil, rather than legal or criminal matter, Aloise has turned to crowdfunding to pay for the legal advice he is receiving.

"Donations to The Rome Aloise Legal Defense Fund are to pay for the costs of defense related to any charges brought against Rome Aloise related to his conduct as an officer or representative of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), Teamsters Local 853, Teamsters Joint Council No. 7, and/or any Teamster-affiliated employee benefit trust fund," the website defendrome.com says.



  1. Joining a union is letting some fatcat pick your wallet.

  2. There's nothing new with big union officials getting in trouble for corruption, but asking for money from union members (instead of just taking it) is a new spin on things.


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