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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Men's Journal: 101 Best Beers in America

The 101 Best Beers in America

It’s taken us a while to get here, but no matter where in these Unites States of America you may find yourself, there is now simply no set of circumstances under which you should be forced to drink bad beer. From minor league baseball stadiums to world-famous sporting arenas; from backyard BBQs to high-end restaurants; from dive bars to state-of-the-art breweries; convenience stores, gas stations, super markets, car washes... craft beer is all around us, and not just in the fancy coastal regions. There's not a state in the union where you'd have to resort to drinking the swill that was shoved down our throat for the better part of the 20th century — here are the beers we'd seek out in each state.

Check out the full list here: http://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/collections/the-101-best-beers-in-america


  1. And yet I still see grown men walking out of gas stations with Natural Light. Have some self respect gentleman

    1. It was probably me. That's all I drink.

  2. Dark beers are making a comeback! Yay!

  3. No good local beers around here.

    1. You are freaking crazy! Evo lot 3 is considered to be on the national level.

    2. overated crap.

  4. The best beer ever was Stroh's

  5. I stopped at #2 on the list, the Russian Imperial Stout. I've had a couple of different Russian beers, and both tasted like a combination of motor oil and bad coffee.

    The beer list is a bust.

  6. 1:34 plenty of good local beers, go for a drive

  7. Miller High Life - Iced cold in a bottle. Still good, but once the iced cold goes away....well you should've had a few in ya by then - SO IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!

    By the by....less than 1 DAY until TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey DAN, whats the weather for Friday?
    Partly Sunny, highs in the 80's!
    Well well well, for the 1st time this year he might be right!!!


  8. Surprised Tall tales or Evo did not make the list. Great beer.

  9. This list is a joke. It might be a list of the most obscure beers in the country but certainly not the best.

    Too many porters, IPAs and stouts.

    IPA is nothing but bad beer with loads of high bitterness hops to cover it up.

    Where's the Kolsch? Lager? Pilsner?

  10. An ice cold Gunther would be good.

  11. At least none of today's beer-flavored waters made the list.

  12. I like 1, maybe 2 craft brews over dinner but any more than that and I start getting a headache, or if I keep going a terrible hangover the next day.

    Buuuuut I can drink some Rolling Rock or Miller Genuine Draft bottles all night long and have a happy buzz with no I'll effects the next day. Those are the only 2 beers I enjoy drinking. Only liquor I can drink without a hangover is Tequila. Don't understand that one lol.

  13. Real men drink bourbon!


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