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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Maxine Waters demands Trump’s impeachment at Tax March event

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) joined protesters at Saturday’s Tax March in Washington and called for President Trump to be impeached.

Protesters all across the country are gathering on the traditionally recognized deadline to file taxes, April 15, and demanding for Trump to release his tax returns.

The California congresswoman gave a speech to a fired-up crowd and vocalized her support for the president to be impeached. which she has frequently advocated since he took office.



  1. I DEMAND Her and her hair are Impeached old B...H.

  2. If she wants a civil war BRING IT MAX.

  3. Did Kerosene Maxine personally pay for that professionally manufactured sign she is holding?

  4. I see they let her out for the weekend. Better stay off the grass and on the path.

  5. Maxine will u be on the frontline at the civil War ? i cAnt wait.

  6. Wonder how much she collects from Soros and if she reports it on her taxes.

  7. Where was the max when ob was in office. Surely AWOL. Time for her to check the vacations the ob's took on tax payer's money. And golf trips PLUS all the campaigning trips, separate airplanes. Should I go on?

  8. Bought and Paid for by George Soros

  9. Scotty, Maxine, he's committed no impeachable act. Why don't you sit down, shut up and at LEAST wait for that? He hasn't been in office 3 months yet!

  10. Hey now 141pm..hags are people too!

    Maxie's a Witless POS - end of story!!!!!!

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 17, 2017 at 2:49 PM

    Didn't Rachel Maddow from MSNBC already "sensationally uncovered" Trump tax returns, only to find out Donald paid more than Obama, Clinton and Bernie Sanders? You know, those Liberals like Maxine Wicked Witch Waters, calling for everyone to pay their "Fair Share", while they themselves pay peanuts. What about "Reverend" Al Sharpton who owes Millions of Dollars in Unpaid Taxes for years? Why isn't Waters marching and protesting in front of his mansion? Oh, that's right, it doesn't fit the agenda. So, this Socialist Democ-rat Wicked Witch Waters flew first class airplane from California to D.C. not to represent her constituents, but to march & protest the liberal way, on Taxpayers Dime, of course.
    Drain the Swamp and let's start with California !!!

    1. yep butt the obama loving bastard media libs wont stop even if trump said OK They would still find something to B...H about PS WHY DONT THEY ASK FOR AL SHARPTONS TAXES ..........

  12. joe
    have you seen how google is now letting companys that want to hire people SEE your web History ?

    get away from goo gle and use a site called duckduck go.

  13. WE THE PEOPLE are involuntary paying for her to be their. So unfair. Tax reform now please.

  14. She sounds like one jealous b*+<h! She only wishes that she could"earn" that kind of money.

    1. She wanted Obastard to run FOREVER.

  15. I'd like to know what Pres Trump has done that's impeachable. Wishing for something doesn't make it so. As far as his taxes, seems like he pays plenty and I'm sure his accountants have arranged for him to take the maximum deductions allowed. The TAX MARCH and calls for Impeachment are distractions designed to make the Democratic base think the party's leaders are "doing something."

  16. The only people worried about trumps taxes are the snowflakes.....or should I just call them flakes.

  17. That's a racist request.

  18. Commit yourself now MW!

  19. I do not want to see his or anyone's tax return. None of my business. That nut job is such a embarrassment.

  20. 1:56 shes a crusin for a brusin. Gotta keep those lunas on the path

  21. Let have the IRS dig into Max's finances. I am sure that will find a ton of smoking guns!!! Then we can lock the B!!!h up!!!!!

  22. She needs to lay off Obamas CRACK PIPE


  23. It would be refreshing to have her confuse a glue stick with lipstick. She adds nothing of substance to any topic she opens her yap about.

  24. Ask her where AL SHARPTONS TAXES ARE ?

  25. If you're a politician from California, it's what you do.


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