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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Homicide On Booth Street

A viewer sent in a message saying there's been a homicide on Booth Street in Salisbury. A black male dead at the scene.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Oh No!! Protest are going to begin shortly by UMES oh wait sorry a cop didn't do it so they dont care

  3. Sure doesn't sound right to me. That area is a nice place to be, with the Maryland National Guard, new projects, Wicomico Nursing Home. Say it ain't so. It's even in the Salisbury city limits, I believe. So there, this can't be.

    1. Nope. In the County. Keep fishing.

    2. Booth Street, Wicomico Nursing Home, National Guard isn't in City Limits. I recommend that you go on the city website and go under maps and click for Municipal Corporate Limits Map

  4. What say Jak fake Day ?

    1. How about what say Bob Culver?? This is Not the City.

  5. The paintball splash that delineates "City Limits" is a joke. Everybody there has an address that says, "Salisbury, Md", as I do 300 yards outside the limits.

    Don't be a dork!

    1. I have an address that says salisbury but I live in fruitland. Only way to get my mailbox on my side of the street. Still get to pay those fun fruitland taxes though

  6. I heard there was a home invasion on Priscilla st.

  7. I'm sure there was at least 2 deputies patrolling the entire county, how could this happen...

  8. for every 1 killed, 6 more are born so this is NOT news!

    Its depressing!

  9. Summer begins early this year.

  10. We need a curfew

    1. What good would a curfew do? This was in the afternoon!! If murder is wrong and illegal and people dont follow that law what makes you think they will follow a curfew?

  11. Gangs beefin over some ground.

  12. This black on black crime has got to stop!!!! (rolling my eyes so hard I saw my brain)

  13. Will the killing be downgraded by the idiot mayor day as a bullet gone astray ?

  14. must have been a suicide since we all know sby has no crime!

  15. Wasnt there a murder in pocomoke also ??? The shore is a crap hole. Well if we could just rid of all these important Black lives that matter there would not be any murders here. Suck on that BLM.

  16. Someone check with April Jackson see which one of her relatives it was this time

  17. wow, something bad happened on booth skeet?

  18. I only come to this site to try to see any latest news...and it doesn't really matter what the story is, anytime I have read the comments, there are the same ole morons with nothing better to do then to make jokes, or run someone into the ground. It could be a child dying of rat bite and people think its funny to say cat scratch fever, or its about a homicide of a black man and now that's just funny to make racial jokes...Grow up people. These are real people with lives and loved ones. Go get a job and stay off here to crack jokes and provoke people to start arguments. I guess its kinda easy being a bully online where no one can really confront you.

    now, that's a comment worthy of a post!

  19. Uh oh everyone be cautious Carrie wants to confront people and get in your face over expressing your opinion. Must be something about the name Carrie, knew one back in school and she was loudmouth obnoxious as well, married some dude and swore he went to prison for something he didn't do then swore he wasn't selling drugs when mike Lewis came knocking.

  20. Uh oh everyone be cautious Carrie wants to confront people and get in your face over expressing your opinion. Must be something about the name Carrie, knew one back in school and she was loudmouth obnoxious as well, married some dude and swore he went to prison for something he didn't do then swore he wasn't selling drugs when mike Lewis came knocking.

  21. It ought to be solved quick. Heard the Sheriffs Office is screwing it up, I mean handling it

  22. Seems as though council member April Jackson has an influence on the people on the westside just not a very good one


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