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Sunday, April 09, 2017

"Hot Money": Hong Kong Businessman Pays $2.5 Million For 18-Year-Old Romanian Model's Virginity

There is so much excess liquidity in China that an 18-year-old Romanian model has agreed to sell her virginity to a "very friendly" - and generous - Hong Kong businessman for the "life-changing" sum of $2.45 million (€ 2.3 million).

In late 2016, Romanian Alexandra Kefren ignited a firestorm of outrage after it was reported that she had put her first sexual experience up for auction for a minimum of $1 million on Cinderella Escorts, a Germany-based agency which specializes in teens looking to sell their virginity online. According to the Shanghaiist, Kefren says she got the idea from watching Indecent Proposal when she was 15 years old.

After the news made headlines around the world, Kefren's parents nearly disowned her. She later went on a British daytime television show to explain her decision. The teen said that she was selling her virginity so that she could pay for a good life for her parents, as well as a home and education for herself.



  1. She is prostituting herself. She is sick and so is the man paying to have sex with her. This is not healthy sexuality.

    1. Typical Snowflake she is 18 and can do what she wants isnt that what Snowflakability is about ??? Hypoxrite

  2. This is disgusting, and I'll bet she's not really a virgin, anyway.

  3. Yes, I agree with you, there is something sick about this. But, at SU, every weekend, some girl is losing her virginity to some dumb drunk college student. Or some high school girl doing it in the back of a car in a parking lot - yeah, real classy. This girl is going to make $2.45 million dollars to do it. In this case, she is taking control of the situation.

    Also, I'm sure that she will have other protections involved: proof that the guy doesn't have STDs (girls at SU don't do that!), pregnancy protection, a watchful eye so that it doesn't turn into some kind of hardcore rape situation, etc. Again, the girls at SU on a drunken night don't have that.

    Now, of course I would not want my own child to do that, and as I said, there is something sick about this. But, it is what it is, and I can understand her decision, especially when you consider the payoff.

  4. You shur Look good >> but ya'll Ain't worth that much !!!

    Millionaires can get plenty of that MUCH cheaper !!!!

  5. Everybody has their price. I guess we know hers.

  6. That's disgusting

  7. Tail is not that expensive
    You can get Alot of Tail for a Million dollars !!!

    This guy is a FOOL with his money
    A Fool and their money Soon Part !!!

  8. Even Bill Clinton don't pay that much !!!

  9. Fine Looking Girls in ROMANIA !!!

    Can't afford them though !!! Not here on Delmarva !!!

    Red Necks think a couple a hundred too much !!!

    We in the Sticks here !!!

    1. Yes you can. All you have to do is go to one of the ports where our military ships show up and you will see girls that look like playboy centerfolds that you can have for $10-$50. Any Marine who his docked in Romania knows this.

  10. Sucks to be poor!!!

  11. Interesting spin with one's selling their soul to the devil. In this case, no college education needed to make $2.5 million.

    Depending upon one's situation...and $2.5M at stake - beliefs can take a vacation!!!

  12. Happens every day in Willards and Parsonsburg for just a 30 pack of Natural Lite !!!! LOL

  13. It's nothing that isn't done at the altar every day all around the world, but for a much lower price.

  14. It's the epitome of a feminist view that you can do anything you want with your body, even use it as a bargaining chip or a profitable business tool.

  15. If I had the money I would pay for it.

    And if I was her, I would be a virgin a couple of more times.

  16. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "mutual consent". and yes, with a good plastic surgeon she can be a virgin as many times as desired.

  17. Females from Romania can come to America !!!
    No Ban on them !!!
    Speed up their Green cards !!!

  18. Babes like this one >>> Welcome to America !!!

  19. Marry an American Man >> easy way to get here and Stay !!

  20. Bill Clinton offered her 5 million !!!


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