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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Florida Advances Bill That Would Require Drug Offenders to Pass Drug Test for Welfare

In an effort to cut down on wasting taxpayer dollars, state governments have been taking measures to ensure that anyone receiving government benefits isn’t misusing them.

For example, Florida lawmakers have been considering enacting a bill that would require state welfare applicants with prior drug-related convictions to submit to mandatory drug testing before receiving benefits, according to WESH.

The bill would also reportedly require applicants suspected of being on drugs to pay up to $40 for the drug testing, and those who pass the test would be reimbursed.



  1. Sounds fair to me.

  2. Each state should, along with a lot more requirements.

  3. Long time in coming

  4. Very long time coming - indeed!

  5. this is actually pretty stupid. It's been tried before and failed in texas. They expected welfare recipients to fail for illicit substances, but over 90% did not.

    Its unethical. You wanna do heroin or smoke weed, its you're right. If you hate the fact they people get welfare and abuse drugs, then move outta maryland.

    Liberals are mentally challenged.

  6. Where am I going to get $40??

  7. Start with April Jackson.

  8. they have tried this before and it failed, after costing much money. they rarely found any drugs in any of the participants. just another feel good measure that does nothing in which it was intended, much like gun laws.

  9. How about "we, the people" start drug testing our EMPLOYEES (all those bad-ace legislators)?
    EVERY public servant ( I said SERVANT) should be drug tested, not just the clerks and the truck drivers. Of course, I also think Congress should be on the SSI program just like "we, the people", too.
    It seems, however, that holding public servants to ANY kind of moral, ethical, or legal standard is somehow regarded as an affront to their sensibilities and honor. As if they had any.....
    If they don't pass it, hang them.
    If they DO pass it, hang them, too.

  10. Only in our dreams in this welfare state..Maryland would lose 95% of the sucking welfare slime..and all those politcal hack democrats would be screaming about children..when most of these kids suffer anyway...their patents sell food stamp credit and sublet rooms in their section 8 houses, putting strangers in their homes..just a drop in the bucket of the ways people scam the state.


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