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Saturday, April 08, 2017

Democrats Resorting to Curse Words to Get Their Points Across

Some Democrats are injecting profanity into their poorly considered rhetoric about President Donald Trump, as if swearing will make Americans listen to a message they’re already rejecting, according to Town Hall.

In Newark, New Jersey,last week, newly elected Democrat National Committee Chairman Tom Perez spoke at the “We Build the Resistance” rally (yes, that’s really a thing) to stoke the fires of liberal opposition to Trump’s presidency.

And Perez was fairly fired up himself, according to the Washington Free Beacon.



  1. Hey dumbocrat voters out there. Aren't you proud of your party?

    Slime balls, liars, cheats, thieves, and corruption. That's the dumbocrat party

  2. Interesting, they feigned all kinds of offense at Trump's way of communicating with color verbiage yet, they do the same; equal or worse language. Hypocrisy of the Democrats is nothing new. They live in hypocritical actions/words on a daily basis.


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