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Friday, March 10, 2017

'You're Stuck With Me,' FBI Director Says, Citing No Plans To Leave Job

The FBI director has no plans to leave the post before the end of his 10-year term.

"You're stuck with me for about 6 1/2 years," James Comey said at a cyber conference in Boston on Wednesday, urging conference organizers to invite him to speak again.

In recent days, NPR and other news outlets have reported Comey pressed the Justice Department without success to issue a public denial of President Trump's tweet that the FBI and President Barack Obama wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.



  1. FIRE HIS A..Trump.

  2. He did a crappy job for the people while the turd was in office - he's continuing to do a crappy job now with President Trump in office.

    We already saw the partisanship in not charging the HildaBeast - even though it was easily shown that she did things that were wrong - including lying to Congress and Federal agents!

  3. damn,he's arrogant time for him to go he's probably an obama mole anyway

  4. Yea! Whoopee! Such a great role model!



  5. Anyone can be fired, appointment or not. Appointed by a Democrat born in Kenya at that. Maybe he can get a job in Kenya.

  6. If he's hated regardless of what he does why not stay?

  7. Actually he can be fired. We'll see what happens. His participation in the illegal wiretapping of Trump Towers actually make Comey guilty of sedition. Which means he can go to prison. Being fired should be the very least of his worries right now.


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