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Friday, March 10, 2017

'A Day Without A Woman' Brings Women Back To D.C. Streets

Chanting “Donald Trump has got to go,” hundreds of protesters marched past the White House on Wednesday, making for a raucous International Women’s Day.

Supported by dozens of organizations, including the Feminist Majority Foundation, the demonstration took aim at the president’s global gag rule that restricts foreign aid to overseas organizations that support abortion. But attendees said they showed up to express concerns about a range of issues, from healthcare to sexual assault in the military.

Holding a sign that said “Stop the War on Women,” Bethesda resident Gabriella Belli said she doesn’t have just one concern about the Trump administration — she has many.

“I think what is going on in the country right now is absolutely abhorrent,” Belli said. “We are setting all our people, but women in particular, back 100 years.”



  1. in support of donald we are having a day without men.

  2. A day without WOMEN ON WELFARE.

  3. What is their gripe ? They are protected by law from discrimination or do they just want to be placed in jobs because they are women? These are weak cowardly women.

  4. White men are under attack by these left wing groups .

  5. Women are setting women back a hundred years.
    Wake up

  6. Partisan politics all the way,Trump only been president 40 days you women are protesting Obama's policies.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 10, 2017 at 3:33 PM

    Another Snowflake protest sponsored and funded with George Soros's Socialist Organizations. Oh well, since they don't have jobs, they have a lot free time on their hands, so let them protest, before going back to mommy's basement. I bet if someone offered them 50 bucks they protest in the middle of the night and bark at the moon.

  8. What women's rights are being trampled on is a mystery to most of us. How about some specifics, pussy-hatted women?

  9. I'm with you, 4:21, I've been watching these protests closely searching for any clue of what their specific issues are, and am coming up totally blank. They haven't "lost" any rights since Trump took office; Trump loves all women, and maybe there's a big, ugly hateful monster out there, but these women have never said who or what it is. They have named no specific issue or legislation and are just plain being loud about....I have no idea.

    Let's just have another Trump Rally in an airplane hangar! I loved those!

  10. they are protesting that gillis gilkerson has no intentions of putting keno in every room of all the new section 8 housing being built downtown. keno will only be in the bar and gym areas. they can get their lucky numbers there

  11. they are protesting the NBA not hiring enough white people


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