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Thursday, March 09, 2017

Why Dems will regret a probe into Russian election hacking

The investigation of Russian interference in the US election could turn into a big headache for the Democrats. The phrase “Be careful what you ask for” comes to mind.

For months before the presidential election, I explained why the Democrats were making a big mistake by picking Hillary Clinton as their candidate. And I correctly predicted that she would lose.

The Democrats didn’t listen, and now their party is in shambles. They aren’t going to listen to me now either about the unintended consequences of an investigation of the Russians, but I’m going to explain anyway.

One of the reasons I predicted Hillary would lose was that the Russians had hacked her emails — along with those of some other Democratic Party higher-ups.



  1. Don't forget that John Podesda "protected" his email by using a password of "PASSWORD". These are people you want in office to protect YOU?

  2. Rogue Editorial WenchMarch 9, 2017 at 5:03 PM

    All this did was expose Democrats intimate involvement with Russia. Liberals have never been known to be the brightest bulbs on the Xmas Tree 🎄🎄 they've been pretty silly and inconsequential since about 1867.


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