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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Who's Afraid of Ivanka Trump?

Wary conservatives would be wise to follow the first daughter’s lead on paid-leave and child-care policies. 

Ivanka Trump has been the target of a boycott, scorn from progressive feminists, and ridicule from late-night comedians. Yet many conservatives are also wary, because they see her as threatening to push the Republican party left, especially on issues such as child care and paid family leave. 

This is a mistake. Conservatives need to follow Ivanka’s lead and talk more confidently about these issues, which are critically important to many American women and families. This doesn’t mean conservatives should embrace government-growing policies, but that they should focus on supporting White House reforms that help women and are consistent with conservative principles.



  1. I'd follow her wherever she wants me to go! Like an obedient puppy!!

  2. Or her stepmother....lol


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