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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Democrats weigh deal to let Gorsuch through

Lawmakers are mulling an offer to Republicans that would keep the filibuster intact for the next Supreme Court nominee.

A group of Senate Democrats is beginning to explore trying to extract concessions from Republicans in return for allowing Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch to be confirmed, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

The lawmakers worry that Gorsuch could be confirmed whether Democrats try to block him or not — and Democrats would be left with nothing to show for it. That would be a bitter pill after the GOP blocked Merrick Garland for nearly a year.



  1. use the nuc option like they did and tell em to go f themselves. Want to make a deal now that they are on the losing end. wtf is wrong with the gop?
    idiots and more idiots!

  2. let the dems eat Crow ..NO DEAL.

  3. Elections have consequences - they said to us on multiple occasions!!!

    Taking seats in the house and senate during the previous two election cycles set the conservatives up for blocking Judge Garland. The win last November electing President Trump even though the HildaBeast team (admittedly now) cheated in both the primaries and the general election sealed the deal for a conservative to be named to the open SCOTUS seat. They can deal all they want - when the evil Ruth Vader-Dimsburg retires - we'll be poised for another conservative to be named to that SCOTUS seat...if they block Judge Gorsuch now, they'll get nuked and the next one will be even easier... If they let Judge Gorsuch in through a deal - they'll get nuked when the block the next one... Thanks goodness they're screwed either way!

  4. Making a deal on the next appointment would be a total sell out.


  6. Mr. Schumer:

    Elections matter!

  7. Would be stupid to cut any deal such as this one. With that said, I have no doubt that the idiot Establishment Republicans will do what is ever necessary to protect the Establishment's status quo.

    Precisely why I changed my party affiliation from Republican to Conservatarian.

  8. How can Republicans cut 24 million people ftom medicaid ? dont they know that half of them are Republicans and will loose votes??

  9. How about this deal. You dumbocrats sit down a S.T.F.U. and we won't prosecute your party members for tax evasion (Charlie Rangle) Purgery (Hillary Clinton) Leaking Classified Information( Hillary, Obama, Lynch, etc etc.)

    Better yet...Forget the deal!


  10. Why deal when you're in the driver's seat?

    If the Democrats filibuster it becomes the nuclear option for this and all other candidates. Thank Dingy Harry Reid.


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