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Sunday, March 26, 2017

'WE CAME UP SHORT': Trump has GOP ObamaCare replacement bill pulled amid faltering support

Republican leaders pulled the ObamaCare replacement bill Friday as they failed to pick up enough votes to get the bill passed.



  1. He sure is getting things done and he knows how to drive a big truck too. The biggest truck, this I can tell you.

  2. It'll be the first of many broken promises by Trump.
    Next...tax reform.

  3. ROUND 2
    Fire ryan
    Medicaid people pay $250 each a Year.........
    to the state or fed.

  4. The GOP had 7 years to work on a replacement plan. Sad, very sad.

  5. Since they are pro-life, i guess they didn't have a Plan B.

  6. I'm sick to think Obama care will still be the law.

  7. Republican congress, Republican President. How on earth did this happen?

  8. I don't blame Trump. He has been in office 2 months and was fighting the Republicans as well as Democrats on this repeal. I blame Paul Ryan. Ryan is a male version of Pelosi, "my way or no way" without compromising or negotiate with all three Republican faction. Ryan has had years to have it ready and refined with the Senate to present after the Republican win. Hate to say it but Ryan will be the downfall of Trump.

  9. I hope t he Republican representatives are reading this post , we are PISSED OFF! YOU WILL LOSE YOUR OFFICE IF YOU DON'T STEP UP AND FLUSH THIS TURD CALLED OBAMA CARE!

  10. 6:09, It failed because it was Obummercare Lite and didn't fix anything.Most Repubs are RINO's.

  11. As President Trump said in his press conference. Obamacare will explode and it will be on the democrats that refused any support on fixing this.

  12. Ryans plan was really not any better than Obamacare and we know how horrible that is. Why just give up. Go back to the drawing board and work something out so people can afford healthcare!

    1. Not any better? Why ? I saw huge improvements but not perfect

  13. It was Ryan's plan, not Trump's. I hope this note finds ales that sanctimonious jerk (Ryan) down a notch or two and that after tax reform is conquered Trump will be back with something that will work. The Ryan bill was trash. I hope that Harris will have input for a good replacement that will work, including Medicaid recipients s paying $250 a year and co-pays.

  14. Lock her up - nope

    Mexico will pay the wall - nope

    Repeal obamacare - nope

    National CCW - nope

    1. Oh stfu Obamma was in office for 8 years fn this country and you expect Trump to fix it all when he has only been in office for 65 days! Grow up idiot you lost !

  15. Obama care has failed so we basically have no or very little health care and the price is set to double this year.

  16. OK 8 years of trying to repeal the ACA and they knew that they supported a cause that would not happen.
    Now the spineless republican bast_____ are walking backwards. The chips are on the table and they are showing their true colors. During the 8 years they did not have a plan? We are back where we were before the election. They do not care about you only your vote. What a waste of time and energy. Throw all
    the bums out

  17. Ryan's plan? But Trump said during campaign he was working on a plan and would repeal Obama care on day one.....

    1. Why do YOU care? You voted for crooked clinton. Be happy my family will not have health insurance and Trump is being blocked every where. You snowflakes are all the same it's all YOU.

    2. 8:48. Looks like it's a lot of you Republicans too 🙄

  18. The problem is that Trump and Ryan are NOT and never should be any more involved in our health care short of regulating Big Pharma down to a miniature entity and watching insurance companies as they sell direct to the patients across state lines. Minimal oversight, no more than 1,000 employees, period.

    Then my premiums pay my DOCTOR, not Big Pharma's lobbyists! And NOT 10,000 government administrators!

  19. Trump is a genius . This is his plan to drain the swamp. Make the rats expose themselves. And make the Democrats own obummacare so the American people will see how they have been lied to and screwed by the libtards.

  20. 50 days, what on earth do you expect? Most Presidents are judged after 4 years! He's already done wonders with job numbers accelerating, illegals running away to Canada, and I'm sure pleased with what I'm seeing! Car sales around here is amazing since November! He's working at least 16-7 since Inauguration, and making every minute count. Very happy with his performance so far. It's so nice to have a Constitutionalist in charge and driving the Country!

  21. So.... when does the winning start?

    1. Your getting what you want congrats.

    2. And you got what you wanted by voting for obama for 8 years. Congrats on screwing our country a$$wipe!

  22. As of this coming July I will NO longer have health insurance coverage. First time since I 22 years old. I cannot afford 490 a month and it's going 22 percent higher. I don't have cable,car payment, I don't eat out and I'm cold most of the winter. I work full time and side job on weekends and getting tired. Nothing to cut back.... LIBERALS refuse to think about other people they just want to win. The are full of hate.

    1. 10:34. Sounds like you only have yourself to blame. No pity party for you.

    2. Yes....because the extra 12.2 million that signed up for Obamacare just don't count, right? Are you kidding me? The ONLY way you could save money on Ryan's plan is if you make $200k+

    3. They need to charge the free loading Medicaid group $250 yr each to put money into the system and dont tell me they dont have $250 a yr for there free coverage bc they get free healthcare food shelter cells cash cells on on on .

  23. 10:34 Maybe you should find a job with insurance benefits.

  24. 12:20
    I'm not 10:34 but people that had great insurance that we could actually use if needed do NOT have that anymore. We are left with paying more money for insurance and can't use it because the deductibles are so high. We are just throwing money away. At the same time people that are not working are getting it for free and are able to go to the doctor anytime they want. That is NOT right no matter how you try to spin it.

  25. It's truly sad to hear liberals say Obamacare has insured 12 million more people that otherwise wouldn't have insurance. What you did is made the working people's insurance premiums high enough to pay for the welfare recipients. It is nothing more than robbing Peter (the worker) to pay paul (the non worker)

    1. It pisses me off when democrats say 12 million more have insurance....BS they are"forced" to by insurance they can not afford it get fined. democrats act like the have done a good thing. Forcing people is not a good thing. "Lowering" the cost of insurance and health care would be good, but that isn't what they did. They are hurting the taxpayers as usual.

  26. Liberals (DemonRATS) are at fault for this bill's failure, working with RINO Paul Ryan to try to embarrass President Trump on this Bill which would have been Great for America. Based on this traitorous action, I truly believe DemonRAT Liberals Hate America and Want it to Fail, just like Obummer did.

    What they don't realize is that this is all Part iof President Trump's Plan to Drain the Swamp. Liberals and RINO Ryan are in collusion together and will Go Down together and it will be a glorious thing to see!

  27. What's appalling is how dysfunctional Congress is, both sides. So into their own egos and self-righteousness they can't do ANYTHING. It is so pathetic.

  28. 6:59 You are exactly right. As of January 1 I lost my insurance. $900 a month with a $7500 deductible is NOT affordable ! And for those of you saying maybe you should get a job with benefits...that is a thing of the past. Companies are hiring people on a part time basis so they do not have to pay benefits. And that is a direct impact from Obamacare. Not everyone is in the same boat so stop judging people.

    1. Let see what the Dems say when obamacare collapses and THEN go back crawling to Trump.?

  29. Cry Cry Cry . You will get enough of this windbag and pretty soon you will see him self destruct. You people just don't get . You need look at bankruptcy record on so called big deals and above all look at this draft dodgers record on the Military He never served now He wants to sent your Sons and Daughters to war. What a bastard

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Cry Cry Cry . You will get enough of this windbag and pretty soon you will see him self destruct. You people just don't get . You need look at bankruptcy record on so called big deals and above all look at this draft dodgers record on the Military He never served now He wants to sent your Sons and Daughters to war. What a bastard

    March 25, 2017 at 11:14 AM

    God, I am so sick and tired of stupid people. Your ship has already sunk and you are still walking on the bottom of the ocean. Who cares about a bankruptcy? He is STILL a billionaire and will continue to be one even if he has another bankruptcy.

    You people will grasp at any straw to make him look bad. In case you dimwits haven't noticed, it's not working nor will it work. You and your ilk will soon be wailing your eyes out when obammycare totally crashes and burns, which is coming very soon.

    Demoncrats had a chance to get decent healthcare for americans but they would rather hold on to their failed policies and a disaster of a healthcare plan than to do what is right and what americans want.

    It will take a long, long time for demoncrats to recover from the damage they have caused this country and their own party.

    Believe what you want. You and your kind are of no consequence any longer. You are dead in the water but still have the illusion of waterskiing on the surface when you are below the waves.

    Beautiful dreamers......

    1. The Dems WILL be resposible for the next.........
      Obamacare Collapse
      civil war.

  31. I voted for this idiot and am so embarrassed when traveling abroad. We are the laughing stock of most countries I have visited since the election. It has gotten worse since he actually was sworn in. Playing more golf than Obama and not getting anything done as promised. How can you have control of the House, Senate and Whitehouse and not get your own bill passed. Just sad it is.

    1. Fake news about the golf games and security costs. And I don't care what those abroad think, they have their own issues because they let muslims in and are getting what the reaped with that decision. Trump has accomplished more than Obama ever did in eight years. Then you have the idiot liberal democrats who have stated they will not work with Trump no matter if he is 100 % correct in his decision they will go against him. That's a great way to work for our citizens...Insert sarcasm. I will take Trump everyday over slimeball crooked Hillary and the lying liberals

    2. 1:02. What exactly are those "accomplishments "?

  32. 12:14 You can man love all over trump but the fact remains that he and his appointees do not care about you or your situation. You don't make enough money in a year to be on the GOP radar. Have you paid $10K or $20K to attend a a dinner with Trump? Didn't think so. You continue to live in a democrat controlled state and shout about how great trump is. Sorry to be the voice of reason, but you are a fool.

  33. Trump's political power is now in a death spiral.

    1. Y? bc of obama and media plants along with Ahole liberal judges lets see what you do when there is another 9/11 FN SNOWFLAKE.

  34. Cry, no tweet, me a river, Donald.

    1. YOU wont be laughing when Obastard care Fails tick tock tick tock.Then Trump will.fix it.

  35. Since that non vote, the Donald said he is done with healthcare until O-care explodes (or is it "implodes"?), but Pence says it will be revisited and fixed real soon. WTF?

    1. President Trump has 7 years and 9 months to work it out.

    2. 5:18. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  36. So funny. Same person keeps trolling about Trump. We all see what your doing

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So funny. Same person keeps trolling about Trump. We all see what your doing

    March 26, 2017 at 3:28 PM

    Yeah, he has no life or a brain.

    1. 11:07 What's the difference between him and you????🙄


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